Do you pay your kids allowances?
Do your kids ever ask for things over and over in the store and you just keep saying “NO”?
Do your kids take good care of the things you buy for them?
Do your kids have responsibilities each day to accomplish?
Do your kids feel like they are entitled to everything they want?
Parents know that the entitlement attitude of their kids is a big problem these days, but they don’t know what to do about it. Richard and Linda Eyre are releasing a new book in September called the Entitlement Trap. This book will save a lot of kids and give parents the ideas and tools they need to make the big shift from a sense of entitlement to a sense of motivation and responsibility!
Richard and Linda Say…
“Kids’ sense of economic entitlement can be largely fixed by taking two simple steps:
1. Stop buying toys and games and gadgets for them and eliminate allowances that are not
performance-based. "Allowance" is a welfare or entitlement term and promotes the idea of
something for nothing.2. Set up a simple family economy where kids have a couple of basic chores involving the
common areas of the home and keep track of when they do those chores. Have them also keep
a record of the days when they finish their homework, music practice, or other tasks that you
designate without being reminded. Assign numbers to these daily responsibilities (don’t have
more than three or four) and tell them they can fill out a slip each day with the number of tasks
completed, get it initialed by a parent, and put it in a big sturdy box with a lock on it and a
slot in the top. That box becomes the family bank, and on Saturdays it is opened and instead
of “allowance” you have "payday" where kids receive an amount proportionate to how many
tasks they remembered and completed. They then are responsible for buying all their own
clothes, toys, and gadgets.It is this sense of “earned ownership” that counteracts entitlement!”
My husband and I have taught our kids a lot about credit and borrowing money. Since we are big Dave Ramsey fans we feel like it is important even at a young age to understand the forgotten alternative of actually waiting for something, or saving, or delayed gratification, or putting away a little until it accumulates to the level where they could buy something without credit.
But my kids still ask a lot for money without responsibility. I am very excited for this book to come out to give me ideas on how to teach them this concept and fun and easy ways to help them earn their own money!
Go to and pre-order your book for only $12 instead of $18. Lots of you are probably thinking…I don’t want to pre-order. I will wait until it comes out. Here are 4 reasons you should pre-order the book NOW…
- It attacks the biggest parenting problem of our time, and YOU NEED IT even if your kids don’t have an entitlement attitude (because their friends do!)
- By preordering you can get up to 33% off the retail price
($12 instead of $18). - By being one of the first 10,000 to preorder, you qualify for a FREE Download that will teach your child Honesty.
- By preordering you join a great Cause to save America Economically–one child at a time!
Shop these sites and pre-order the book:
You will receive the book the day it is released (September 6)
EMAIL your "Pre-Order email Receipt" to and we will send you instructions on how to download the exciting "Alexander’s Amazing Adventure" on Honesty that your kids will love.
And come back tomorrow for a great guest post by Richard and Linda Eyre!
Happy Thought #11 – I am happy my air conditioner works today {I know, random, but it’s really hot outside!}
This book is already on my to-read list, can’t wait for the release!