Side note: When I was growing up I was pretty positive I would only have girls. According to the ring on a string trick I was going to have a whole bunch of girls :) Well obviously one girl and 3 boys later, I was wrong and so was the ring on a string :).
This morning I went to help out in Cowboys class. The moment he saw me he ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I was so happy that he was excited to see me. That he actually likes me! When I came home and my Big Man left for work I got the kids lunch and then went to put Jack Jack and #4 down for naps {I promise I will come up with a name for him}. I always read Jack Jack a story before naptime. He sits next to me and I hold #4 and we read a story and then he hops up into bed and pretends to be sleeping while I sing him a song. I usually sing “Jesus once was a little child” but today he asked me to see “Puff the Magic Dragon”. I play/sing that song on the guitar every so often and my kids like me to sing it because I always cry at this part…
A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Jackie paper came no more
And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave,
So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!
Then they laugh. As I was starting to sing the song, Cowboy came in {he being the one that loves to see me cry during that part of the song} sat and listened. There I was with my 3 little boys singing to them. I stopped the song before that line and told Cowboy I was done. He begged me to sing that part. I told him that I don’t like to sing it because I always cry, he said he liked when I cried. So I sang it, and yup, I cried!
After I sang it Cowboy got a sad look on his face and said “I don’t want to die” I said the song isn’t about you dying, its about you growing up and getting older and not playing with toys anymore” He said, “I will still play with Lego’s with my kids like dad does”. Yup you will Cowboy!
My boys are still little and still have a lot of growing and learning and playing to do so I really shouldn’t think about them not playing with toys and turning into adults, but I do and usually it makes me sad. Today was different though as I looked at my 3 boys while singing that song I felt a peaceful feeling come over me, and looked at each of them and thought what great men they are going to be one day.
I hope my boys stay my life long friends. I sure love my little men, and I know that one day, despite the fact that I don’t want them to grow up they will and they will be wonderful fathers just like their daddy!
I LLLLLLOVE your kiddos! They are so very cute! I think you should name #4 Benji or something like that for this blog. 🙂
I swear I never blink, but yet, my kiddos are growing up way too fast too!
I am impressed that you know that whole song!! Your boys are adorable! Your two older ones look exactly alike to me 🙂