I know Thanksgiving is a ways away, but it’s not the only time we can express gratitude. 🙂 My heart has been very full of gratitude this last week. Lots of people I know are going through hard things. Losing jobs, losing loved ones, struggling financially. I hear something new almost everyday. I have been through the emotions that go with these struggles and I just want to cry for them. It is so hard when life is hard…ya know? You think to yourself that it’s just not fair, that no one else struggles this way, but you know what that’s not true. Everyone struggles or will have their struggles. I remember when my husband lost his job last year how mad I felt, how much I hated rich people, how I just wanted to bury myself in a hole and cry. I remember being nervous as to how we would pay our rent, how we would feed our kids, how…how…how??? But you know what the amazing thing is? It all worked out. We prayed, we still struggled, we changed ways we were doing things, we had faith and life has worked out. No my life is not practically perfect in every way {although some days I do feel like it is because of all that I have to be grateful for}. We go through our struggles to strengthen us and help us grow. I think every time my husband and I go through a change whether hard or easy it brings us closer together.
So back to the reason I wrote this post. NO matter what I have gone through, it is important to me to have gratitude. To be grateful for what I have! Every night before bed each of us goes around and tells each other why we are grateful for each other! I get a lot of “because you are my most beautiful mommy”, but sometimes my kids surprise me and say something different and really thoughtful . {Not that the other statement isn’t thoughtful, just said a lot!} I have SO much to be grateful for and I wanted to share a few things with you.
I am grateful for Heavenly Father, and his Son Jesus Christ.
I am grateful that I was baptized and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost to help guide me in my life.
I am grateful for my kids who love me and support me as their mom and also now as their teacher. They have been SO good this year and have really enjoyed homeschooling and I have enjoyed being their teacher!
I can’t even tell you how grateful I am for my husband. There are a billion reasons, but I will share with you a couple. Every morning he makes breakfast, and the mornings he has to leave really early for class, look at what he leaves out for the kids… {I do not pick the type of cereal it is, but hey if he will make a healthy breakfast 4 days a week, the two that he isn’t home and leaves me with this sweetness I just love him for it and get over how bad it is for you :}
He’s so wonderful!! He works hard, talks to me when I need to whine, and is a great daddy!! I just LOVE him so much.
I am grateful for my calling in the Relief Society. What a humbling calling, and what amazing ladies I work with!
I am grateful for fall! I love this season. I love the cooler weather and the peaceful feeling that comes with it! I love Thanksgiving and Christmas time.
I am grateful for good friends.
I am grateful for my home. As much as I complain and say how small it is, I am grateful I have a 3 bedroom home that is just fine for our family!
I am grateful for life. It is always changing and I am always learning new things every day!!
I love the talk titled “Joy in the Journey” by President Monson. Go read it here if you haven’t read it before. This is my favorite quote from the talk….
“Let us follow Him. Let us emulate His example. Let us obey His word. By so doing, we give to Him the divine gift of gratitude. Brothers and sisters, my sincere prayer is that we may adapt to the changes in our lives, that we may realize what is most important, that we may express our gratitude always and thus find joy in the journey.”
Life really is great, so let’s all find Joy in our Journey!!
What a sweet man of yours.
I love how sometimes we are filled with so much gratitude that we can’t hold it in any longer.
Isn’t life great!
That was so beautiful! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful grattitude! And thanks for the link to President Monson’s talk… I can hardly wait to read it again! He wrote my favorite book when I was a teenager:Be Your Best Self. It is so cool that he is now the living Prophet!
By the way I once had a calling as the first counselor in RS. I think that may have been my favorite calling. I even enjoyed teaching classes when the teachers couldn’t. :O It was a blessing to me to always have to be ready to teach (it was in a college ward, so being ready without notice was a must). I’m glad for you to have such a great blessing in your life. 🙂
What about me??? Arn’t you greatful for your wonderful sis??? Just kiddin’!
Thanks for the great post. It’s a good reminder to me about what’s most important!
Hi Kendra, thanks for stopping by on my blog this morning! I have peeked at yours before and really like it. I love your posts under the Food tab, my favorite subject. LOL. Can you tell me how you create those tabs on top of your blog? I’ve been wanting to do those for a long time. My email is naom.witcher@gmail.com, if you have time to tell me sometime. Thanks!
AMEN!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I’ve been feeling the same exact way this week. So grateful for what we have…I hear so many people struggling and it just makes me feel so bad. Especially when they are trying so hard to get new jobs, make ends meet, and so forth.
I decided that Nate totally rocks! Jayden is really coming home with some cool scripture knowledge and its all thanks to your man!