Life is not always easy. In fact, sometimes it is just down right hard. This last month has not been the easiest month for our family. A lot of stress about life and situations. I won’t go to deep into it, but jobs and trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up, when you are already grown up, is not easy. I usually try to remain calm when we feel stressed about life and money, but this time I really felt down. I just had this black cloud around me and felt a lot of weight on me. My relationship with my kids and husband was stained because stress does that to relationships. You are more quick to anger, and don’t find joy in life. I just pretty much felled alone and grumpy.
Then something happened and life felt much better. Like seriously overnight! No, my husband wasn’t offered a huge high paying job. I just changed my attitude! Here is how…A few weeks ago Deseret Book sent me these three books to review. Along with these and a well needed girls night out, where I found out that everyone is going through hard things, I feel much better. And since choosing to feel better about life, good things are happening. Coincidence? I don’t think so. I think God knew I needed those two things in my life to help me get get away from that dark cloud and grumpy attitude! My life really isn’t that hard right now. Sure there are stresses, sure I wish life could be a little different in some areas, but for the most part, my life is pretty darn wonderful! I have so much to be grateful for! I believe changing your attitude can help you find more joy in your life, and to be grateful for the things you have, but doing that is not easy. These books, along with friends talking to me about life and trails did it for me.
This book is amazing. I LOVE Emily Freeman and the way she writes. It’s like soft music playing telling me everything is going to be okay.
Making It Through the Middle – Emily Freeman
Life is full of challenges, and it’s easy to feel the end of our trials will never arrive. But is it the end we should be spending so much of our time focusing on? In this book, Emily Freeman shares six lessons, and various personal experiences to assist readers in staying strong when they are right in the middle of a hard time.
I loved this book! I was a little surprised by the 7 habits of happiness that I read at the beginning of the book, but in the end each one of them made perfect since. Especially the exercise one! I can not wait to be motivated to exercise, I just need to to it. And do it I better because I have a half marathon I told myself I would do this year!
I loved this book! I was a little surprised by the 7 habits of happiness that I read at the beginning of the book, but in the end each one of them made perfect since. Especially the exercise one! I can not wait to be motivated to exercise, I just need to to it. And do it I better because I have a half marathon I told myself I would do this year!
Habits of Happiness – Wendy Ulrich
When happiness doesn’t enter our days automatically, and when life isn’t going as planned, sometimes we are quick to equivocally gauge our overall happiness in life. In this book, filled with scientific research, practical advice and engaging anecdotes, Dr. Wendy Ulrich invites readers to look at happiness in a new way.
Any book John Bytheway writes makes me smile. I love his spin on this book and how the things we say at home can apply to the gospel!
Everything I Need to Know I Learned at Home – John Bytheway
Sometimes the smallest phrases we use in everyday language can be eternal principles that get us through our lives. In this book, John Bytheway makes an inspiring and insightful connection between everyday phrases spoken at home and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So if you are down, or feeling a little grumpy, read one of these books and go out with some friends. Life really is wonderful if we choose to find joy! There is so much to be grateful for! Have a wonderful week!
Wow, three more books to add to my list of must reads. I could use all three at once right now.
Blessings for the reviews!