I wanted to share my two favorite pregnancy items I have used daily during this pregnancy, that I really wish I had with my other 3 kids.
You know when you wear maternity pants and they keep slipping down and don’t stay up. Or when you can still fit in your regular pants, but the button is really tight so you use rubberbands to hold them up! :) These two items have totally helped me since I started to outgrow my pants to when I had to wear the awesome band pants!! It is made out of a tight spandex material and makes it so you don’t have to button your tight pants or helps keep the band from slipping down!!
I got them at target and trade off days I wear them. They wash great and have stayed really nice!! The band sticks out at the bottom of my shirts and looks just like a tank top, and the tank top is perfect for if I need a shell underneath a V-neck or lower cut shirt!
BeBand Maternity Band – White or Black
BeBand Maternity Band – White or Black
Oh and one more thing, these…
I hate heart burn. It is so miserable so I take 2 of these every night and it does the trick!
Yeah for great pregnancy things that help us at least feel somewhat cute and not completely disgusting inside!!!!
Instead of Antacid tablet, you could try liquid chlorophyll. It’s great for digestion and great for baby and great for a healthy pregnancy and a blood cleanser. Also great for those running marathons. I loved, loved, loved it when I have been pregnant.
I was just going to post the same thing as Diann! lol I loved Chlorophyll. I actually drank it throughout labor/delivery too. The calcium in antacids builds up and causes kidney stones for me. Not fun. Heartburn is awful. I hope you get relief!
I love the belly bands too! Aren’t they great?