All of my kids love to read or be read to, but my daughter is a READER! I would even go as far to say she is addicted to reading. She can read a book while she walks around the house. One of her favorite book series is Janitors by Tyler Whitesides A while ago my dad gave my kids the CD of the 1st Janitors, and they have listened to it over and over again. When we got the books for two and three they were so excited! My husband evens loves them and reads them to the kids at nights before they go to bed! We were so excited to receive these books from Deseret Book to review. Lala had all three of them read in a week!
If you like Fablehaven, or Harry Potter, you will love this fun story about Spencer, his mom, friend Daisy and the Rebel Janitors trying to save education from being being flushed down the drain.
LaLa wanted to help me with my review by writing a little about why she LOVES Janitors….
The Janitors series are fun imaginative books that brings to life things in my mind that make my imagination run wild. I love to imagine myself in these books. These books seem to somehow make me want to listen or read them over and over again. Number 3 was the wildest adventure of all of them and my favorite of the three. Tyler Whiteside did a great job in making a fun series that kids and adults can love!!
Here is a little snippet about each book…
Janitors, Book 1
Janitors, Book 3: Curse of the Broomstaff
A secret society of Janitors with wizard-like powers continue their battle, and now, the stakes are even higher. The Bureau of Educational Maintenance is after Alan Zumbro and this time they mean business, deadly business. Spencer, Daisy, and their little team of rebels must find the source of all magical Glop and destroy it before it can destroy the world as we know it. No small task with the BEM and their monster toxites at their heels. It s a wild and dangerous ride as they follow the trail of clues all the way to the hiding place of the mysterious aurans: guardians of a secret landfill. What they discover there will change the way Spencer sees himself, not to mention the fate of the rebels.
I read the first one and really liked it. I would love to read the other ones… Maybe I need take a trip to the library!