Hey everyone, here are my handouts for September for Young Women’s, and they also work for the Young Men’s lessons. If you are new to reading my blog, welcome, and feel free to follow me on facebook to know when I have these handouts done every month. If you are looking for Sunday School handouts they will be posted tomorrow!
#1 – How can I be in the world but not of the world?
(Cómo puedo estar en el mundo sin ser del mundo?)
#2 – How do I guard my virtue?
#3 – How do the things I say affect me and those around me?
(¿Cómo me afectan, tanto a mí como a los que me rodean, las cosas que digo?)
#4 – Why do we fast?
¿Por qué ayunamos?
#5 – Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy?
¿Por qué se nos manda santificar el día de reposo?
#6 – Why is it important to be honest?
¿Por qué es importante ser honradas?
#7 – Why do we pay tithing?
¿Por qué pagamos el diezmo?
Wow, I love your ideas and thanks for sharing them. I am sending the link to my children that are working in the YM an YW callings!
These handouts are really great! I’m going to have them sitting out or taped on the chalkboard during the whole lesson! Thanks much!
Thank you so much for sharing your talents so freely! I really appreciate all of your beautiful handouts!