“It’s only thirty-two verses, or 982 words in length, but it’s a life changer–an unforgettable and highly applicable metaphor. We call it Lehi’s dream.”
I remember as a teenager I loved listening to John Bytheway speak at youth firesides and Talk Tapes (yes I just said tapes…you remember what those are right?) He is so fun to listen to with a great sense of humor, but wonderful knowledge of the gospel.
I love this book because it shows how much we can apply to our life in these amazing verses in the scriptures. I have always enjoyed Lehi’s dream while reading in the scriptures. I thought I really understood it, but after reading this book I have learned so much more and have gained such an understanding about how I can apply it to my life every day. Here is a little description of the book from Deseret Book…
With every passing day, the unforgettable imagery in Lehi’s dream becomes more real and more relevant. In our modern world, we can literally hear the taunts and see the pointing fingers of people like those in the great and spacious building. We find ourselves clinging with greater energy to the rod of iron as we work through the massive mists of darkness toward the tree of life. In Lifestyles of the Great and Spacious, John Bytheway looks at Lehi’s dream, and with his characteristic humor, comments from Church leaders, scholarly insights, and personal experiences, he expands our understanding of these precious verses of scripture.
The book explains each part of the vision as John Byetheway tells his thoughts, insights and observations. It then has a section called “Applying the Dream to Our Reality” which was my favorite part of each chapter. He had great stories, quotes and thoughts that help us really apply the scriptures to our own lives, and help us figure out where we are at and how we can have more “tree of life moments!”
So now I am handing this book off to my husband to read, and then my daughter, and then I am going to tell my young women about it, and if any of you want to borrow it you can 😉 Or you can just go buy it, because it is a keeper! I want all my boys to read it when they get older.
Lehi’s dream is one of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon (perhaps my favorite). Why? Perhaps because it is one that I think of so frequently. I have looked at my life OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and asked myself, “Where am I RIGHT NOW in Lehi’s dream?” The first time I applied this dream to my life I looked back on my life and could seem myself in different parts of the dream. It was SHOCKING. Who would think that a good girl like me would ever be anywhere other than holding to the rod or partaking of the fruit. 😉 Honestly though, I was surprised. I learned that when I was worried about what others thought about me, pride caused me to let go of the rod, by hiding some of my beliefs so I would not be mocked, rather than sharing them. I VOWED TO NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN! 🙂 I won’t go on with examples, but I will say I love to re-examine my life frequently with the backdrop of this wonderful vision. It is truly an inspired masterpiece worthy of contemplation! 😀