If you have followed my Christmas post in years past you know how much I love Christmas! And with two posts in a row about Christmas stuff you might think I am thinking about it way to much! I don’t skip over the other holidays, I love Thanksgiving and feel gratitude all season long, but Christmas really is something I love to be prepared for!
Every year we do 25 Days of Christmas Spirit, Service and Fun and one of the things we do for our Christmas Spirit day is we talk about the meaning of Christmas symbols. Usually we just look it up online, or figure it out on our own. I was so excited when I received this book from Shersta Chabot and Cedar Fort Publishing “Stars, Stockings, and Shepherds”. This book goes through 24 Christmastime object and what they symbolize. We are going to read it as one of our books that we read each night, but you could even read one page a night up to Christmas! It is a darling book, with beautiful illustrations by Cory Egbert. This book is the perfect for any children, parents, or grandparents to read at Christmas time. Make your family’s holiday season one to remember with this inspiring reminder of the gospel roots behind our treasured Christmas traditions.
You can purchase her book Here on Amazon!

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FTC Full Disclosure – A copy of this book was sent to me by the publisher as part of the author’s virtual book tour in hopes I would review it. However, receiving the complimentary copy did not influence my review. The thoughts are 100% my own.
I am always looking for a new Christmas book for grandchildren and this looks like a good one
Blessings for sharing this one!