Spelling…It’s not always the easiest thing to work on around here. Last year there were many a tear after being frustrated about spelling time. Over the summer I just kept trying to think of a better way to do spelling, and here is what I came up with.
On Monday we get our spelling words – I have a huge list of grade level words. I get through about 25-40 of them and I asks her if she knows how to spell it. If she spells it correctly we skip to the next word. When she spells one wrong, I tell her how to spell it and she write it in her Primary Spelling / Vocabulary Notebook. When she fills the page with 11 that she doesn’t know we are done.
Tuesdays are Copy Days – She has to copy the words into the other column on the paper in her notebook.
Wednesdays are Sentence Days – She writes 3 sentences with 2 words in each sentence or 2 sentences with 3 words.
Thursdays are Creative Spelling Days – She loves this day. I give her the white board and a few different colors of markers and let her just creatively write each spelling word. She has had so much fun doing this.
Fridays are Review and Spelling Days – I give her about a half hour to look, spell out loud and review all her words. Then is the test. If she misses any of the words we just add them to her words for the next week!
This has been a great way for us to do spelling. Do you have any creative ways that your family works on spelling words?
Emma’s favorite is cutting out the letters in a magazine to make the words… Or writing a fun story using all the words.
I wish the schools did that too were they each had different words. Most of the time the words are so easy it feels like a waste of time!!
We practice using our “leap frog fridge magnets”. Also, Alyssa LOVES spelling, so she just writes her words to write them. Jayden struggles more, so we have all sorts of games online. Spellingcity.com is one we use. You can enter your words and then play games
My littles love spellingcity.com. Parents enter the spelling words into a list and then the child can play games, take tests, etc. all for free! Occasionally, I will fill a cookie tray with a layer of flour and let the child write spelling words in the flour. Always a hit! I pour the flour into a bag when finished and save it for next time.