Here are the Handouts for December Sunday School Come, Follow Me lessons. I hope you enjoy them. I will have more up next weeks. Follow me on Facebook if you want to know when my handouts are up! I hope you have a great month teaching these amazing youth! How can I learn to serve…
November Sunday School Handouts – Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance / La autosuficiencia espiritual y temporal
Here are the starting of the handouts for Sunday School. I will have more up this week! Have a great month teaching!! 1-How can I become spiritually self-reliant? ¿Cómo puedo llegar a ser autosuficiente espiritualmente?Download Printable Version Here Download Spanish Version Here 2-How can I find answers to my own gospel questions? ¿Cómo puedo encontrar…
November Young Women / Young Men Handouts – Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance {English and Spanish}
I am excited to teach these lessons. When I saw the subject outline for this month at first I thought it was an interesting concept to teach the youth, but as I have read through the lessons I feel like it is such an important thing to teach them at this age! I am sorry…
October Young Women / Young Men Handouts – Becoming More Christlike {English and Spanish}
Here are the handouts for Young Men / Young Women lesson for October. I can not believe how fast this year has flown by. Sorry these are a little late! Follow me on facebook or Twitter and you will know when the ones that aren’t done yet are up. You can always print them two…
October Sunday School Handouts – Becoming More Christlike {English & Spanish}
Here are the handouts for Young Men / Young Women Sunday School lesson for October. Follow me on facebook or Twitter and you will know when the ones that aren’t done yet are up. You can always print them two ways. Right Click and save to your desktop or download them from my dropbox. I would…
September Sunday School Handouts – Commandments {English & Spanish}
I was asked if I would do Sunday School handouts for the Youth by a few people, so I decided to give it a try. Hope you like them. If you want to know when I have updated handouts follow me HERE on Facebook to find out when they are posted! Happy Teaching!#1 – How…
September Young Women / Young Men Handouts – Commandments {English and Spanish}
Hey everyone, here are my handouts for September for Young Women’s, and they also work for the Young Men’s lessons. If you are new to reading my blog, welcome, and feel free to follow me on facebook to know when I have these handouts done every month. If you are looking for Sunday School handouts…
Marriage and Family – August Youth Handouts {English & Spanish}
Hey everyone, I interrupt our week of Zucchini with the handouts for the month of August! I hope you enjoy them! I would love for you to pin and share them with your friends! You can also follow me on Facebook here so that you know when the handouts are up! Have a wonderful month…
Dare to Stand Alone
During Young Women’s today we talked about what it means to “Take Upon us the Name of Jesus Christ”, which is a covenant we make at baptism. We discussed that it means we do what he would do, we try to live our lives like he would, and we work hard to be an example…
Ordinances and Covenants – July Youth Handouts {Spanish & English}
Hey everyone! I hope you had a wonderful 4th! We had a great day! We were up before the sun helping the kids put flags up for their flag business! Our little town had such a fun day planned full of fun stuff! Welcome new followers. I hope you like what you see here…