Here are the handouts for Young Men / Young Women lesson for October. I can not believe how fast this year has flown by. Sorry these are a little late! Follow me on facebook or Twitter and you will know when the ones that aren’t done yet are up. You can always print them two ways. Right Click and save to your desktop or download them from my dropbox. I would also love to know how your teaching is going this year. Leave me a comment if you have any tips, advice, or just want to say hi! Have a great month teaching!
#1 How can I become more Christlike?
{¿Cómo puedo ser más como Cristo?}
#2 How can I develop Christlike love?
{¿Cómo puedo desarrollar un amor semejante al de Cristo?}
#3 How can I be more Christlike in my service to others?
¿Cómo puedo ser más como Cristo en mi servicio a los demás?}
#4 How can I learn to be more patient?
{¿Cómo puedo aprender a ser más paciente?}
#5 Why is it important to be grateful?
{¿Por qué es importante ser agradecidas?}
I love it!! You make such a beautiful things! I will use it for my YW class.. ♥
Thanks you to share this!