Do you have an advent, or countdown to Christmas for your kids? Here are a few ideas. This one is super easy, and it’s not to late!! I have posted my 25 days of Christmas Scripture chain for the last two years, but this year I decided to do something different with it. We had…
My Child’s Testimony of the Scriptures
I have to tell you how much I love my little girl…aka LaLa! She is growing up to be such an amazing child. I remember when she was born how grateful I was, and excited I was to have a girl. A big “sister “to help me with the rest of the kids!! She has…
Family Scripture Study
The next part of Elder Perry’s talk called “Mothers Teaching Children in the Home” talks about “One scripture study session”. We have tried really hard to do this in our home since we were married. We would read before we would go to bed, but some nights we would be completely exhausted and one of…