The next part of Elder Perry’s talk called “Mothers Teaching Children in the Home” talks about “One scripture study session”. We have tried really hard to do this in our home since we were married. We would read before we would go to bed, but some nights we would be completely exhausted and one of us would be drooling on our pillow before the 1st verse was over {not me!}. We know that reading the scriptures is so important to keep us close to the spirit and to teach us of Jesus and his love for us, and to receive personal revelation. We know it is going to keep our families closer together if we read them. We have just struggled finding the perfect time.
Since having kids we hardly ever miss a night {because they won’t go to bed until we have gratitudes, scriptures and prayers, and if we forget we are quickly reminded}. We started out reading the My First Book of Mormon Stories
with them, and then when my daughter started reading we moved onto The Book of Mormon Stories
We really have enjoyed them and have gone through them a couple of times. My daughter has her own scriptures now that she can read, and really wants to read them on her own. A friend of ours told us about how she and her daughter read at night and say a prayer before so that they will understand. After they read, she writes a sentence in a scripture journal about what she learned. We decided to start doing this with my daughter and she is loving it, and is actually excited for bedtime 🙂
She reads a verse and marks each one she reads and then after 15 mins she writes a sentence in her journal.
This last month both my husband and I felt like we needed to make scripture study more of a priority in our days. We were having it with our kids at night and both of us were reading every few days on our own, but we knew we needed to have it be more than that. That it needed to be an everyday thing to bring us closer to God! A couple weeks ago I was introduced to this awesome website called scriptures4kids.org. It is a fun site where your kids can sit at the computer and read the scriptures at their reading level, or they also have some fun games and activites. About a week ago on facebook they told everyone about a Scriptures reading challenge they were doing on their site. I was so excited. So last week for family home evening I printed off the lesson from their site about going on an adventure just like Nephi through reading the scriptures. They have three different charts, one for toddlers, one for 30 days, one for 60 days, and one for parents to read the whole thing in 60 days. They don’t have to be consecutive, but it does have to be over by the summer. We decided to do it with the kids and stay up on the challenge. If you do this, you get a free $10 Gift Certificate to Dessert Book at the end! {just for the kids}
We have been doing it for over a week now and have really been enjoying it. My husband has been reading his 9 pages when the boys wake up and he gets them breakfast. So they sit there and listen. They actually are really reverent and like to listen. Lala has been doing hers on her own or with me later in the day {becuase she sleeps in, and I go to the gym}. It has worked really well with our family. I have missed a couple of days but am doing way better than before.
I love the talk by Elder Hales where he talks about reading the scriptures and likening them unto us, and teaching our kids how we can learn from them and then turn to those stories as teaching moments for our kids during the day.
“As parents, we have the responsibility to help our children to “liken all scriptures [indeed, every part of the gospel of Jesus Christ] unto us [and unto our children], … for [the] profit and learning [of our families].” 14
Are we likening all of our children’s gospel experiences to the real needs in their lives? Are we teaching them about the gift of the Holy Ghost, repentance, the Atonement, the sacrament, and the blessing of sacrament meeting as they meet the challenges in their lives? There is not enough time in formal meetings to teach our children everything they need to know. Therefore, we must take advantage of everyday teaching moments. These moments are priceless. They come when we are working, playing, and struggling together. When they come, the Spirit of the Lord can help us know what to say and help our children accept our teaching.”
What do you and your family do to feel motivated and keep on track reading the scriptures everyday?
I like that journal idea! What a great post! Thanks for your example!
We are also doing the scripture reading challenge. My daughter is 3 and loves the scriptures. She is excited to read them every night.
For me, the best time for me to read is while I nurse. I LOVE the books by (can’t think of the first name) Ridges. I’m reading the OT this year and reading from the books “Your Study of the Old Testament Made Easier.” They have the entire scripture text in the book, plus quotes from general authorities and definitions on words that you might not understand. Plus, it also has the JST in it.
We have slacked with family scripture study. I know that mornings simply won’t work for us and before bed is a mess. I have decided the best time would be right after dinner since we are all home and in one location. I want to use the books “Scripture Study for the Latter-Day Saint Families” I checked one out and they have activities to do together with the reading.
NINE Pages! Wow, that’s a lot. we haven’t been very good since school got out. During the school year it’s way easier to get the kids together ten minutes or so before they leave, but now everyone wakes up at different times and heads out the door sporatically. This chart sounds great though! thanks for the link!
These are great ideas! Thank you!
I just stumbled upon this post and it was sooo much fun to read! Thank you so much for posting about Scriptures 4 Kids. I am so happy to see that your family is doing the Scripture Reading Challenge and having a good experience! It is wonderful to see and hear the stories from all the work I did putting the challenge together.
I would love to hear how it all ends up or if you have any stories about your experience so far. I was thinking I might collect some of the stories and present them to Deseret Book as a little gift from all of us who will benefit from the challenge. I am sure they would love to hear how it all turned out.
Anyway, thanks again for posting. I hope you are still having a great time reading your scriptures!
I just found your site after reading your great post on losing weight. I love this post on scripture stucey and the links you included. Thanks!