If you have been following me for the last few years you know that I LOVE Christmas and I love to do fun Christmas activities with my kids each day leading up to Christmas day. I love good holiday traditions that are simple and fun! Christmas is my favorite season of all and I want my children to understand the importance of this month and why we celebrate the birth of our Savior! I also want them to have fun and enjoy this wonderful holiday season. I think Christmas is magical for everyone young and old. We like to do 3 main things starting December 1st to help us get in the Christmas Spirit…25 Days of Christmas Spirit, Service, and Fun.
Spirit – I decided I wanted not only to do fun activities leading up to Christmas, I also wanted to do some teaching and learning to really help my kids understand the true spirit of Christmas! I have used some ideas from Discover Christmas through Discover the Scriptures and also came up with a lot of my own ideas. I feel so strongly that our children need to understand that it isn’t all about the Razor Scooter they want for Christmas, but that is about Christ and the reason he came to the earth.
Service – This time of year can be stressful and chaotic, but it should be a wonderful time to come together as a family and enjoy serving others. Service is such an important principle to teach our children starting at a young age. I try to teach my kids to serve others all year long. We aren’t perfect at it, but as the years have gone by and my kids are getting older they actually like to do service projects, or toss some of their hard-earned money into the umbrella hanging upside down at Walmart! It doesn’t seem to matter how big the service is. It’s just important to learn to think beyond ourselves and to serve others around us. It’s been fun to see my children do things from little acts of service like holding a door open for someone, to doing something that might stretch them, like visiting with people in a rest home or using some of their own money to help someone.
Fun – I am all about fun simple Christmas Activities to make the holidays a little different than regular days. An aunt of mine told me a long time ago that she did one fun thing leading up to Christmas day. I decided when I had kids I would do the same! We have been doing this since my daughter was 5 and have loved it. We have adapted or changed some of the things we do, but in the last 4 years we have stuck with the same list because we love everything on it. Some of the things on the list take no prep, and some might take a little prep, but they are all very simple and easy!
For the past 5 years, I have been doing a new 25 Days of Christmas Activities printable. I have been wanting to make it so that it could work for everyone. Some readers have mentioned that they loved it but that they would have to switch the dates around for it to work for them. I decided I wanted to make it easier for all to use. I still have the printable one-sheet papers you can print off, but this year I
For the past 5 years, I have been doing a new 25 Days of Christmas Activities printable. I have been wanting to make it so that it could work for everyone. Some readers have mentioned that they loved it but that they would have to switch the dates around for it to work for them. I decided I wanted to make it easier for all to use. I still have the printable one-sheet papers you can print off, but this year I decided to make 25 cards that have all 3 things on them. The Christmas Spirit activity, the Christmas Fun activity, and then a reminder to do an act of kindness for someone. I hope you like it. I have worked hard and I love the results and decided to make 25 cards that have all 3 things on them. The Christmas Spirit activity, the Christmas Fun activity, and then a reminder to do an act of kindness for someone. I hope you like it. I have worked hard and I love the results decided to make 25 cards that have all 3 things on them. The Christmas Spirit activity, the Christmas Fun activity, and then a reminder to do an act of kindness for someone. I hope you like it. I have worked hard and I love the resultsNow I don’t have to write this post every Christmas. You can make it work for you every single year! You can still print off the sheet, or you can cut out the cards and use them however you want. I made a Christmas Advent Garland that I will share with you on Friday. Here is a sneak peek!
So here it is. I am so excited!!! I hope it is easy to use for you! Here are all 25 things we do each day + a reminder to do a Random Act of kindness.
Above is the list I used to use and I still think they work great, but I know that the dates might not work for all of you, so I also have made these fun cards you can cut out and make an advent calendar of your own! I also made some blank ones so that if you wanted to make some of your own you could!
Here is the printable for the Random Acts of Kindness. We leave one of these slips when we do an act of service to remind others to Pay it Forward!
Day 1
Spirit – Start the Count Down to Christmas with Scriptures
Fun – Give the kids their Advent Calendar and read a Christmas book each night leading up to Christmas.
Day 2
Spirit- Write Thank You notes to someone that has touched your life. Then write a special one for Christ and put it on your tree wrapped in a bow.
Fun- Write Letters to Santa and go visit him or mail them to him.
Day 3
Spirit- Think of all that God has blessed you with this year. Write it down in your journal.
Fun- Send out family Christmas letters or Cards.
Day 4
Spirit- Learn about Snowflakes and why they are special and why each of us is unique like a snowflake!
Fun-Make 3D Snowflakes
Day 5
Spirit- Learn how Nativity Scenes became popular.
Fun-Attend a Community Event or Church Christmas Party
Day 6
Spirit- Memorize a verse from the Scriptures about the birth if Christ.
Fun- Make Christmas Pillowcases and lay by the tree and read Christmas stories and listen to peaceful music. Let the kids fall asleep by the tree.
Day 7
Spirit- Have a Family Testimony Meeting about Christ and all he has done for you.
Fun- Make Gingerbread Houses or Christmas Tree Cones
Day 8
Spirit- Learn about why we put ornaments and lights on the tree.
Fun- Make Family Christmas Tree Ornaments.
Day 9
Spirit- Learn about who St. Nicholas was and read about why his legacy lives on.
Fun- Drink Hot Cocoa, Pop some popcorn and watch your favorite family Christmas movie.
Day 10
Spirit- Learn about Christlike Attributes and decide as a family an attribute your family will work on.
Fun- Make neighbor gifts and deliver them!
Day 11
Spirit- Write down your Gift to Christ for the year and put it in a special box that you leave out all year long to remind you.
Fun- Make a Kissletoe or another fun Christmas Craft.
Day 12
Spirit- Learn why Red, Green, and White are Christmas Colors
Fun- Find a simple and easy Christmas Craft on Pinterest and make it!
Day 13
Spirit- Read the story “The Tale of the Three Trees”.
Fun- Make Chocolate Tree suckers.
Day 14
Spirit- Talk about all the ways Christ served others.
Fun-Have your service for the day at the homeless shelter or soup kitchen.
Day 15
Spirit- Learn about the role of angels at Christmas time.
Fun- Minivan Express. Surprise your kids right when they get in bed with a free round-trip ticket on the minivan express. Drive around drinking Hot Cocoa, listening to Christmas music and enjoying the beautiful houses all lit up! (You could even give awards, like a king-size candy bar) to your favorite house, or most creative house!
Day 16
Spirit- Learn about the roles of the shepherds in the Christmas story. Learn why candy canes are red ad white (give each child a small candy cane).
Fun- Make Candy Cane Cookies.
Day 17
Spirit- Sing “I heard the Bells on Christmas Day” and talk about how we can bring “Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men.” Encourage your children to be peacemakers this whole month.
Fun- Have a family Christmas Sing-a-long! Sing songs, and let your kids perform their favorites!
Day 18
Spirit- Learn about the tradition of music and caroling at Christmas time.
Fun- Go Caroling in your neighborhood or sing at a Rest-home
Day 19
Spirit- Learn about another county Christmas traditions and how they celebrate the birth of Christ.
Fun- Make a traditional Christmas recipe from another country.
Day 20
Spirit- Learn about the Wise Men. Give each child a glow-in-the-dark star to put above their beds. Discuss how the Wise Men were faithful in following the guidance of the spirit. Talk about how their journey was long and hard, but that they stayed faithful!
Fun- Go Ice Skating or Sledding.
Day 21
Spirit- Have a family testimony meeting and share your testimonies of Christ.
Fun-Watch the Life of Christ Bible Videos found on LDS.org
Day 22
Spirit- Learn about the importance of Giving.
Fun- Shop for Sibling Gifts
Day 23
Spirit- Learn about what Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays means
Fun- Have a Family or Friend party (Think White Elephant or Ugly Sweater)
Day 24
Spirit- Read Luke 2 as a family and act out the Nativity.
Fun- Make Cookies for Santa. Have a special family dinner, and get ready for Santa to come by putting out cookies, Reindeer Food, and your Stockings.
Day 25
Spirit- Give the Kids a picture of Baby Jesus First Thing In the Morning and say a prayer as a family before you open the present thanking God for sending his son, Jesus Christ to the Earth. Remember Christ all day long as you celebrate this wonderful day of His birth.
Fun- Open presents & enjoy spending this wonderful day with your family!
- We only give 3 gifts for Christmas (a gift from Santa, Mom and Dad + whatever is in their stocking), to represent the gifts the Wise Men brought Jesus.
- 25 Books of Christmas– over the years I have collected a lot of Christmas books and we love to read one each night before bed.
25 Days of Christ Countdown Ornaments – We love to do this before we go to bed. The set comes from 25 Days of Christ
Here are the links to some of the fun Christmas activities that are on the above list…..
A few years ago I heard about doing a Minivan Express. Like the Polar Express, but in your minivan or car! Click HERE to read more about it!
25 Days of Christmas Scriptures Chain
25 of our Favorite Christmas Books
3D Snowflakes
Christmas Kissletoe
35 Simple Friend & Neighbor Gift Ideas
Neighbor Gift Ideas + Free Printable
What are some of your favorite Christmas Activities to do with your family?