I just got back from the Build Your Blog Conference. It was excellent, and I learned SO much! The interesting thing about it was that the things that I learned weren’t all just blogging related. I met some great people that shared stories that blessed my life and the way I think about things!! The night I got home I was talking to my husband in the car on the way to my brother house for some family fun and I started bawling. Like seriously sobbing. I continued crying as I went in and chatted with my family. Yeah, totally embarrassing, except for they love me so they understood. Plus I am the cryer of the family so they are all used to it! 🙂 I may or may not have been on my period, so that didn’t help. Someone had mentioned that after this conference you might feel a bit overwhelmed. I felt a lot a bit overwhelmed! I have so much in my life I want to do, to accomplish, to be. I cried, telling him that the most important thing I want to be is a good wife and mother and that sometimes other things try to slide in on my highest priority. I do want to be a good blogger. I love it, but it’s not my number one. This conference didn’t make me want to stop blogging, in fact it made me want to blog more. I truly love blogging, a lot. I love to share all the things I love in my life with my readers. I have been blessed by reading peoples blogs, and I hope that I bless others lives through the thoughts and things I share. Going to this conference made me rethink my priories and to prioritize my days so that I can do what I need and even what I want to do, but also not be mad at myself if I don’t get everything done.
I saw this quote today on one of my old post and just had to share it with all of you. It’s an important concept to accept. We as women generally want to be able to do it all. We want to serve, love and take care of everyone around us. We have so many worthy goals, but we need to come to understand that we don’t have enough time, energy and opportunity to get it all done in one day. That doesn’t mean we can’t get it all done, it just might not be in one day.
This is going to be my theme for the year. This week I am going to make some worthy and attainable decisions about my days and try hard to accomplish them, BUT if I don’t I am not going to be mad at myself. I’m just going to work harder to be the best me each day!
How do you prioritize your day to get the things done you need and want to get done during the day?
Prioritizing is so important. There are so many things in life that pull you in so many different directions. I remember that talk in Conference a few years ago (okay I just checked and it was 7 1/2 years! I’m really showing my age!!) Good, Better, Best by Dallin Oaks. We can apply that to every aspect in our lives, not just our spiritual life. I think you do a wonderful job and I love your blog!!