When my daughter was born and as she got older she was a little spiritual giant! She knew and loved Jesus, said the perfect little prayers and by age 3 she was standing in front of the congregation on Fast and Testimony meeting by herself bearing her testimony of the love she has for the church and for Jesus.
Well, Jack Jack is not quite there yet!
Now I am not trying to compare my kids and say one is good one is bad…they are just completely different. As our little Jack Jack got older I noticed he was a lot different in this aspect. When he prays he either whispers or yells and only says about two things, and thinks he is pretty funny being noisy, crawling around or actually leaving the room when we have scripture study, prayers or family home evening. At church he is loud and a bit more boisterous than my older two. He hates sitting still, when the sacrament comes around he tries to grab a couple pieces of bread because he is “hongry” and slurps his water loudly. When I teach him about spiritual stuff it seems to go in one ear and out the other.
This morning as we were saying the prayer for breakfast he was snoring as his brother said the prayer. After the prayer my hubby said, “Jack Jack that is rude and not funny” His response was, “Well it is funny to me!!” See he just doesn’t quite get it 🙂
At first I used to worry a lot about this. Does my boy totally not care about spiritual things? Will he be this way when he grows up? How in the world can I get through to him?
I think the answer is totally clear, it just takes me calming down and not worrying about it and remembering he is only 3! {I know seriously I am kind of a nut} I also need to just keep teaching and eventually I know it will kick in.
I have seen a glimpse of it sinking in the past few weeks. When we put him down for a nap we ask what song he wants us to sing for him and it lately has always been “a Jesus Song”, and he even sings a long. Last week I overheard my husband in the kitchen early in the morning with Jack Jack eating breakfast. Jack said, “Why do we like Jesus?”. My husband went on to explain a little bit about Jesus while Jack Jack listened intently, and responded at the end, “Does Cowboy like Jesus?” {He wanted to make sure his older brother liked Jesus}
So you see there is hope. At least he knows who Jesus is…right? I guess that’s the most important thing they need to know….especially at age 3!!
…sigh. Been there! Worried plenty! Just worried again last week about a son and he is 17 (maybe I worried about both of the 17 year old’s)! 😮 Thanks for the reminder – “They’re just BOYS.”
Conclusion – They aren’t all the same. – They don’t all express them selves the same way or learn things at the same ages. But they were ALL saved for these days for a reason… The youth of today are amazing! Your little Jack Jack will turn out just fine. 🙂