I am really into eating Mango’s lately, I put them in my breakfast everyday, and I also just invented my own Mango Salsa I will share with you next week. Thanks to Bountiful Baskets I have been able to get a lot of yummy produce. If you live in Az, Ut, Wy, Colorado, Idaho and Washington you have got to sign up for it! Mangos have by far been my favorite. I did a little research about the health benefits of Mangos. Here are just a few things that I found.
- Low in calories and high in dietary fiber,
- Packed with vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.
- Recent studies suggest they are also powerful cancer-fighters.
- Mangoes are one of the best sources of beta-carotene, quercetin and astragalin. These are powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.
- One small mango provides a quarter of your recommended daily allowance for vitamin C,
- They also contain Vitamin A, Vitamin E, vitamin K, phosphorus and magnesium.
- Mangoes are particularly rich in potassium which can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
- Rich source of Selenium which help to protect against heart disease and other ailments.
- Also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion.
- Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin. {I am going to try this}
The only bad thing I read about them was this…
Mangoes can be beneficial for people wanting to gain weight. A 100 gram of mango contains about 75 calories. Also, raw mangoes contain starch which get converted into sugar as the fruit ripens. So ripe and sweet mangoes when consumed with milk (rich in protein) can be very helpful in weight gain.
So I guess don’t eat to many! Maybe that’s why I gained a pound last month {urgh} Oh well they are healthy and yummy!
Here is what we had for our dinner the other night!
Mango Chicken Salad
1/2 Cup Mayo {or Vegenaise}
1 T honey
1 t. Curry powder
2-3 cups cooked chicken
1 cup grapes halved
1 cup mangos
1 cups almonds
Servo on a croissant with Romaine lettuce
I know that Croissants aren’t the most healthy thing, but every few months you should splurge, They are delicious!! I also think this would be good just in a lettuce wrap!
That sure looks delish!
Thanks for the recipe. Mangoes are so yummy. We have been enjoying Bountiful Baskets since way back when they started with bringing our baskets to their house and leaving the money in the back yard. Ha- they have come along way.
i love eating mangos too. one of my favorite Thai dishes is mangos and sticky rice. it’s really easy. cook 2 cups of jasmine rice in your rice cooker. boil a can of coconut milk and 2/3 cup sugar until sugar is dissolved. put the cooked rice in a medium casserole dish and pour coconut milk mixture over rice. mix together and then spread out. put wax paper on top and let sit for half hour. slice up some mangos and put on top of rice when ready to eat. yum!