First off I have to say I love being a part of Young Women’s! The leaders I work with are amazing, and the girls are so wonderful. Even though I don’t like the idea of my daughter growing up…seeing these girls make me feel OK about it!
Yesterday I had the best surprise ever…OK not ever but it sure made me feel so happy! Ask my husband I couldn’t stop talking about it! Last night I got a text from the Young Women’s President asking if I was coming to the activity. I don’t go to a lot of them because my husband has meetings on that night, but I knew something was going on because she would not normally text me to ask me if I was coming, so I said I would be over in a minute! I walked in the gym and they all yelled out “yeah she’s here, happy baby shower” (or something like that, I was so excited I didn’t really hear) As much as I hate being in the spot light it was so fun. They had games, food, and even presents. I haven’t had a baby shower since my daughter was born, so this was extra fun. I got the cutest stuff, and one of the sweet leaders even crocheted me a blanket! {Look at those cute little flip flops and shoes}!
After having 3 other boys it was so nice to get some new stuff! I felt so spoiled and loved. The leaders I work with are so kind to put this together for me, and it was so nice that there girls were excited to be there also!
I kept thinking about how this not only was good for me, but how it is actually a really good idea for the girls for an activity. To teach them how to throw a baby shower. In no time these girls will be throwing baby showers for their friends and family and now they know how. Even if one of your leaders doesn’t have a baby, you could have the girls help plan one for someone in the ward that just had a baby, and have the girls each donate a couple bucks to buy presents.
The girls wrote me advice cards, which were the best! It was fun to see what they had to say from their 12-18 year old perspective of life!
I thought I would share their advice with you….
Advice from girls age 12-18 about raising kids!
(I think a few adults wrote some of these)
- Always make time to play with your kids.
- Dont’ drop your baby!!! Not that you will 🙂
- When your baby boy does something stupid, take a deep breath and remember that they will do that, also deep breaths are important especially when they get older. Just remember late nights are normal, dirty hands are natural, crayons on the wall is beautiful artwork, toys on the ground is playful, and how you deal with them is who they become and how great of mom you are. Have fun (Love this one – and she is only 12)
- Sit and Listen, hear him out. Be open to new ideas for rules, Let him be a kid !
- Buy your kids ice cream, listen to what they have to say, be patient, make them work.
- Don’t drop that handsome boy on his head!
- Have fun!
- When he gets older don’t restrict him too much. Remember friends are important too!
- Not be to strict to your kids, even though you are probably not. Kids need to know that you trust them.
- He will do crazy things as a boy. curiosity will take him many places you don’t want him to go! Love him.
- Be a good mom, don’t be too serious, have fun!
- My advice is that when the children are going through the stuff stages, instead of yelling and getting frustrated give them time to cool off and then have the time to calmly listen to what they are going through. Sometimes it is not what you expect it to be.
- Don’t take any moment with your children for granted.
- Always put your children first for everything
- Only yell when necessary, Sometimes you might not understand if your child is sad or why, only talk to them when you think it is right 🙂
- Don’t pass up a quiet moment to cuddle, hug say I love you. Those moments get more rare as they grow up, and more needed. then suddenly the teen years are over and those moments come back. You just have to tough it out!
Aren’t those awesome. It seems that the underlying theme from them is to have fun, enjoy every moment, don’t be to hard on your kids, listen to them and love them….Oh and don’t drop them on their heads {silly girls}!
I think that was an awesome idea to throw you a shower. I loved all there comments and was actually a bit surpised at some of them. I would say they are wise for being such young women.
I loved reading about this! Every baby deserves to be celebrated, and every mother too! So glad they did it as a YW activity. I’m filing this away for the future if I ever serve in the YWs. 🙂
How sweet! I love the “don’t drop the baby” quotes!
That’s so fun! It is nice to get new baby things even if you already have that gender. Your YW sound great!
Certainly enjoyed reading those advice from teens. And yes, those advice are true—especially this: “Be a good mom, don’t be too serious, have fun!”