I decided I wanted to talk about the 2nd purpose….Strengthen families and homes. Mainly because this is something that I am not perfect at and am striving to work on every day.
Within the last 12 years since I left the Young women’s program they have added this phrase to the Young women’s theme…We believe as we come to accept and act upon these values, we will be prepared to strengthen home and family
We as women have such a HUGE impact in the home and on the family. It hit me yesterday as I was thinking about what to say that these three things are in this order for a reason. We will not be able to strengthen our families and homes if we are not trying to increase in faith and personal righteousness. It just won’t work. And if we aren’t doing those top two things there is NO way we will be able to provide relief by serving the Lord and His children.
As far as strengthening our homes I always think of this scripture in D&C 88:119
“Establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.”
I also think of what goes on in our homes, To go along with the theme….Do we show love in our homes, what we are teaching or talking about, what are we listening to, is our home clean, can you feel the spirit when you are there.
A while ago my uncle who is an amazing man was at my house, we had been chatting and he looked me in the eye and said “it feels good here, I can tell this is a place that the spirit like to be”
Although I am sure there are moments when the spirit doesn’t want to be in my home I was so grateful that he felt that way. I always want my home to be a place where the spirit wants to be.
A little while ago I went into a home of a friend and felt that exact same feeling. It was strange because I haven’t ever really thought about it when I go to peoples homes…but from the moment I walked in I felt the spirit very strong in that home.
A while ago I asked my readers what they thought of when I said “Strengthen families and homes”
One lady responded,
”Strengthening homes and families is probably the most important thing we as mothers can do. And not only our own family, but helping others also. Of course the things we do each day (prayer and scripture study) are the building blocks to a strong family, but ultimately I think teaching our children to think about Christ and treat others like Christ would treat them is what will strengthen our families. If Christ is the main focus of our lives, He will be the main focus of their lives and that will be a protection and guiding force in their life and influence every decision they make.”
Another lady said,
“I have prayerfully considered this at the beginning of the year and one thing we are focusing on in our family is exact obedience. If we put the Lord first in all that we do and are exactly obedient to all gospel principals we will be strengthened and more easily guided by the spirit. My prayer is that if I try my best to have a “house of order” my children will be disciplined in all areas off their lives especially when it comes to making and keeping sacred covenants. So if at times my children think I am, quote “the meanest mom in the world” for not wavering from a house rule. I lovingly tell them,” I say what I mean, and I mean what I say and rules keep us safe”.
Love Both of those! They totally uplifted my thoughts about family life! In the proclamation to the world it says “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, [and] to observe the commandments of God”
Daily we need to help our children understand the spirit and to recognize it, and to try our hardest to be good.
I just watched a movie called Courageous in the movie there is a part where a man is talking to his guy friends and says something like…we only have a short amount of time with our kids at home to teach them and let them know how much we care about them and about how much God loves them, and to teach them morals and values. He says “we need to stop wasting our time and be with our families
I know many of you sisters who’s kids have left can attest to this statement that kids do grow up fast, so don’t miss the opportunity to teach them.
Strengthening home and family means to provide a place where we have the spirit in our homes, where we teach and love and serve on a daily basis…like it says in Deuteronomy 6:5-7
5And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6 And these swords, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
I found a great list from a talk called Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty by Elder Hales that had a great list of ideas to help us as parents identify areas that need strengthening in our homes and families!
WOW! That was powerful. I’m leaving your blog today with a refreshed determination to use the short amount of time I have left with children at home to strengthen and teach them. Thanks Kendra.
Thanks Kendra! I have been having so many of the same thoughts for awhile now and I’m loving the differences I see in our home and family as we make a more conscious effort to put the Lord and Gospel principles first in our lives. I always love the motivation I feel after reading your posts! Thank you for that!
This is excellent, Kendra, and something that has been on my mind a lot lately – so I read your post (even though I am on vacation and on the computer almost not at all)! I always know I will come away from your blog having been uplifted and reminded of great things; thanks! 😀
Corine 😀
We liked the movie Courageous too! I like the fact that other religions know the importance of strong family relationships too.