I am excited to have my first guest post of the month! I don’t know how I found Cari’s blog, but I am glad I did. She has tons of great ideas and is just down right amazing. Cari is a mom to three wild boys and wife to an army lawyer who is currently serving in Afghanistan. She love Photography, running, food, and homeschooling and blogs about all these and more at http://carianthony.blogspot.
My husband and I discussed ways we could encourage them to appreciate all the things they’ve been blessed with and not just be spoiled rotten kids. We figured we’d start by donating to charities ourselves. Once our son was old enough to write we started having him write the checks to UNICEF and LDS Charities. When natural disasters strike such as Japan last year, we donate a little to help. We don’t have a lot of money, but we choose to reserve a certain percentage of our income to help others. We hope that this will teach our children that helping others is important and that everything we have is a gift from God and not really ours.
The next step was thinking of ways we could make each day leading up to Christmas feel special. I came across this article that shared the meaning of Christmas traditions and thought it would be fun to link all of these traditions back to Jesus. I also found a great downloadable book from Discovering the Scriptures that shares a Christmas tradition, story and/or activity for the 25 days of Christmas and a scripture countdown chain. We are going to go through this book together this year.
Lastly, I tried to think of ways we could remember Jesus on Christmas day. On Christmas Eve we do the traditional nativity and reading from the bible but Christmas day has always been about Santa Claus. This year we decided that the gifts under the tree were family gifts. The gifts in the stocking would be from Santa. And we saved all the “thankful” notes that we wrote in the month of November, are going to wrap them up in a box with a note “from Jesus”. On Christmas morning we will open the gift and read all the things that Jesus has blessed us with.
Thank you Cari for sharing! Please leave a comment and go on over and visit Cari’s Blog The Osborne’s. Cari also has some amazing free art work she shares here and I think I just might make this fudge of hers as soon as possible!
I love the idea os wrapping the thankful notes and having them labeled from Jesus – what a great reminder of our blessings and where they come from! Thanks!
Love this post! I also love the idea of the notes ‘from Jesus’. I think we’ll have to do something similar. Thanks so much for sharing.
This is really nice… It really is really what we GIVE, not what we get, that makes Christmas so magical! Well done!
Corine 😀
Thanks for sharing. Focusing on others is exactly what Jesus would do. Thanks for the inspiration.
I love your ideas for giving, especially the notes from Jesus. Thanks for sharing.