Exactly 7 years ago at this moment {6:27 am} I was given the most beautiful and amazing gift from God. I was given the opportunity to become a mother to a sweet, beautiful and amazing child of God.
I can remember the excitement I felt after my water broke at home and my husband and I were rushing to the hospital. We had no clue what we were getting ourselves into. I was 21 years old and all I knew about having a baby was how excited I was to get this child out of my ginormous belly and be able to hold and and take care of it. We hadn’t found out what we were having before hand, so the excitement was even greater. I remember when my husband said it was a girl after pushing her out how excited I was to break a long line tradition of having boys first in my husbands family and to raise this beautiful little blond curly haired child. I cried, I smiled, I hurt, I held. I had sweet moments with her those first few days in the hospital where all I did was just stare at her and cry tears of joy to have a sweet and healthy child. I remember driving home from the hospital 2 days later, I started to cry and expressed to my husband how nervous I was. How scared I was to bring this baby out into the world to take her away from that hospital room where everything was safe and we felt protected {and mommy was fed!}. I remember my sweet husband reassuring me that everything was going to be fine, that she would grow up and be an amazing child. We were bringing her home to live with us in a safe and protected place where we would teach her about God and his love for her. I felt he was right, that she would grow up to be an amazing child.
We brought home lifes most precious gift that day and started off our journey in raising our family. It hasn’t been the easiest thing that’s for sure. Having that little girl have colic and have reflux and not sleep though the night for the whole 1st year of life was really hard, but you know what, I wouldn’t change anything about my life and that first year, as hard as it was. {obviously I forgot how hard it was because I have added two more since then}
I think looking back on becoming a mother the things I have learned, the most important being that God is there to help us in raising our kids, his kids who he has given us to raise on this earth for a small period of time. His plan to send us down here in familes, to help each other, to bear each others burdens and to help each other get back to Him one day was a great plan that I am happy to be a part of. As hard as being a parent can be, if I look past that hard parts, it is so rewarding and wonderful and there are way more wonderful times than there are hard times!
I am SO grateful and happy to be a mommy. I have learned so much from my sweet little gifts from God. They teach me every day. They are what get me though my days, and keep me smilin and make me happy!! Being a mother is excitng and wonderful, and I am grateful everyday for the things I learn from this important “full time job” that I have decided to be my life!!
Happy Birthday LaLa, I love you and am so greatful I get to be your mommy here on earth!!
I have joined up with a few other bloggers and joined the Happiness Project! Go check it out and blog about what makes you happy!
congratulations, mommy! Those are the best memories!
Happy birthday to your big girl! And I love your thoughts on families.
Happy birthday to your daughter!
“Gifts from God.”
What a beautiful post! It brought a tear or two,,,, Ok I cried 😉