I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day.
Last month my son asked my husband a lot of questions about Freedom and our Soldiers.
These are the words he wrote down for Scouts.
Words Written by my 8 Year Old Son…
“Is America really free? Soldiers have given their lives so that others can live like they are free, but doesn’t free mean, without cost? Then how can we say America is free?
The freedom we actually have is the freedom to choose the way we want to act, live and be, those are the freedoms we have.
Are we spending them wisely? The soldiers give their time, and sometimes lives, to pay our cost. Are we making choices that are worth that price?
I feel America will never be free until we no longer have to fight for our freedoms, But I don’t know if that day will ever come unless Christ himself were our ruler.”
Love this boy, and the way he thinks!
What a sweetheart and a great perspective on things. You should be a proud momma!
🙂 ~ He does a mom proud… 😉