This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Gold Toe. Want to hear a random fact about me? I HATE socks. Yup, it’s true. You are probably wondering why in the world I am blogging about socks if I hate them. Well socks are something we have to have. Right? I mean,…
Best Couch to 5K Apps for Phones
A few months ago my amazing marathon running friend posted on facebook about a race she was about to run and asked every “who’s in?” I said give me a year and I will do it! Then I promised her I really would. So I have until November to train for a Half Marathon. WHAT!?!…
Facebook Running Group – Finally Some Motivation to Run Again
For those that have read my blog for that last couple of years you know how much I like to run! I am no Speedy Gonzales, but I do like to get out there and get a good run in. You can read some post I have written about running here. A while back I…
My New Running Shoes – The Altra Zero Drops
I have to tell you how excited I am about my new running shoes. If you haven’t read my running story go Here and here is how I got started barefoot running and then running in a minimalist shoes. If you don’t really want to go read all that, here is the gist of what…
Running Barefoot or in Vibram Five Finger Shoes – I really am going to try it!
{If you didn’t read my post yesterday Click Here, scroll down and it will explain!!} I know you are all probably thinking I am crazy to think of running barefoot or in these crazy looking Vibram Five Finger shoes, but I have my reasons. Let me tell you a little bit about how I came…
My Running Story
Growing up I remember trying to figure out what I wanted to be “when I grew up”. You know if you wanted to be a dancer or a basketball player or whatever {the really important stuff {and at that age it was!} I have two sisters one was a great dancer and one was…