For those that have read my blog for that last couple of years you know how much I like to run! I am no Speedy Gonzales, but I do like to get out there and get a good run in. You can read some post I have written about running here. A while back I wrote here about how much I missed running and that after this baby came I was going to do the From Couch to 5k Program. But since he came I have had no motivation. I have tried to run or do workout videos, but I was so sore and tired that I just quit. I had a friend that had her baby 5 days before me and she just ran a half marathon last week. No I was/am not jealous, I am just amazed at her ability to get back out there and get going again. I had all kinds of excuses to not workout. I am too tired, I don’t have the time, I feed my baby every 2 hours, I am not going to loose any weight until I am done nursing so why does it matter! I knew they were all lame excuses, but I had to justify not working out! ha! Bad mind frame. I have felt a bit down these last couple of months, don’t get me wrong, I love life, but 5 kids, not living by family and moving to a new city has been a huge adjustment! I knew I needed something but I didn’t think working out was it.
Facebook Running Group – Finally Some Motivation to Run Again
On the 10th of this month I got a facebook invite to a group that was trying to run 50 miles by the 4th of July. I seriously laughed out loud when I read about it. Me run 50 miles in 22 days. Ya right, I haven’t even ran more than 2 in a week since having this child! I kept reading people posting their miles and almost deleted myself or wrote “I woke up 3 times in the night, rocked my baby for a total of 3 hours today to get him to fall asleep and fed him every 2 hours, does that count for at least 1 mile!?!” But I didn’t. On Tuesday this same friend that invited me to the group called me and asked me if I wanted to run it with her and a couple of other girls. Talk about an answer to a prayer I didn’t even know I was praying! She lives on a big farm and has trails all around her property. I was a bit nervous since I am not used to trail running, especially in my barefoot shoes. But I told her that I would. So on Wednesday the 12th I woke up at 6 fed the baby, put him back to bed, put my Altra’s on and headed out. It was so fun, hard, but fun! We did 2 miles that first day, but since then have done all sorts of fun run/jog/walk/hikes even up to 4 miles. It has been so good for me, not only to start working out again, but to get to know some cool people in my area, and also my mornings have been a lot better! I have a lot more energy in the morning and even have felt like I have more time to get stuff done during the day!
I posted this quote a while back, but I love it…
If you are struggling getting out there and working out set a goal, do it with friends. Why not start one of these groups on facebook. Just invite a few friends and they will invite friends and you can all motivate each other! It has been so motivating to post my miles for the day and have people I don’t even know tell me “Good Job”, “Way to go”. I have been amazed that in the last 11 day I have ran 27 miles!! 23 to go by the 4th. I am pretty sure I can do it!!
Have an awesome day!
Proud of you!
Way to go girl!
Yeah! I’m SO HAPPY FOR YOU, Kendra! 😀 And your post has just reminded me of the blog posts I wrote but haven’t yet posted (one is about training); thanks. I miss blogging! I miss my blogging friends!! I hope to get back into it again soon!!! 😮
Hey, those aren’t lame excuses- I use them every day 😉 I have had zero motivation to get running either. I know I need to, but I still don’t want to. Good for you for getting out there and doing it!
Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)