This week as we celebrate Thanksgiving we think about all we are blessed with and give thanks to God for all that we are and have! I try to encourage my family to always have a grateful heart. For the last 3 years, every night before we go to bed, we always say something we are grateful for that day. It is so sweet to listen to my kids think of all that they are thankful for each day. I am grateful that after starting this, what we call “gratitudes”, that it has stuck. That without fail we always say what we are grateful for each and every day. You should try it, it is wonderful!
I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ who bless my life each and every day. Without them I would be nothing! I am also so grateful for my wonderful friends and family, my parents and my sweet husband and children. I am truly blessed!
What are you grateful for today?
I’m thankful to be HOME! 🙂 I’m thankful for my family, and the PEACE that is in our home. I’m thankful that when un-peaceful moments come, I can know that peace will quickly return, and e everything will be OK. 🙂 I’m thankful for a loving Savior, Jesus Christ, who makes my life rich and wonderful! I’m thankful for friends, (blogging friends included – even though I get so busy that I go long periods of time without interacting!). I’m thankful for little moments of fun and smiles and good talks with my family. I’m thankful for the good choices I see my children make, and that they are growing wiser as time goes on. I’m thankful for my loving husband and for every single hug and kiss from him and from our teenagers! I’m thankful for life… 😀