We bought each child a notebook and will glue this on the cover. In the notebook they write down their goals for each month and are able to look back and see what we talked about the month before.
We start each meeting with a prayer. Then we start right into the meeting and eating! First Goals! As far as goals, we first go over their yearly goals with them and then let them pick a goal to work on for the month. They can be anything! From being more kind to their sibling, to learning to play Tetherball. Yes, that was my 8 year olds goal and he did it! We then move on to any concerns that they might have or that we might need to talk to them about. Stuff such as them being more kind to so and so, or getting up in the morning without whining. We don’t want to make them grumpy, just simple little things that are of concern. They can even tell us concern they are having. Then it is time to let them just ask questions. Our 6 year old likes to ask silly questions, but our 10 year old is starting to ask deeper questions. We just chat and let them talk to us about whatever they want. Last is praise time. It is a good thing to end on to tell how awesome they are and how much we love being their parents. We close the meeting with one of us saying a prayer for the child we have been talking with. This has been a great time to teach them to pray and ask God for things.
Starting these meetings while our kids are young is a good idea. We want our children to always feel comfortable to talk to us. I know that as they get older the harder it would be for them to feel like they could talk to us if we hadn’t already been talking. It doesn’t matter how old your kids are, what religion you are, or if you have kids that don’t like to talk. Try this out! Make or buy cookies, and just sit and chat. You will be surprised and excited about the stuff they say! My only advice…Don’t Yell and Don’t Get Mad! Just let them talk, and enjoy this time with them! If you stay consistent with it they will look forward to these meetings! Let them know they are loved no matter what! Teach them that you as a family are united, and that you love and support each other. I love this quote by President McKay.
This is awesome, Kendra! I wish we had done more of this through the years. We have done it off and on, off and on. It is SO worth the effort! One of my kids opens up to me when we go driving together. I always volunteer to take him places for that purpose; I just noticed we had our best talks in the car. Eventually, he started asking me to go places with him, and then he would talk… (He has to ask me to come with him now because he usually drives himself places. He is 19). I love our talks together while we drive down the road! I may have to start doing this again (or planning drives) now that the kids drive themselves! 🙂
Thanks for the great post!
Corine 😀
Wow, this is so awesome. I love the whole thing and I will need to share this one.
Blessings for all your good ideas.