Have you ever heard of creating a life vision? Instead of making goals each year, you create a vision of your self of what your you want your life to be like? I am SO excited about this concept that I am going to blog more about that on Thursday, but I’m excited to tell you about this book called Financial Freedom: Finding What Works for You by Greg Kesten. I have been thinking a lot of what my vision for life is in a lot of different areas of my life, such as Spiritual, Physical, but especially Financial. I have always been passionate about finances and I really enjoyed being able to review this book, especially since he had a whole chapter on creating your financial life vision!
Financial Freedom: Finding What Works for You” by Greg Kesten
Kesten defines financial freedom as “what I have is what I want, and what I want is what I have.” Stress induced by personal finance comes when you do not have a sufficient amount money to cover all of your expenses. Kesten’s message of aligning your wants and needs will help others to set realistic expectations and bring happiness to many during the New Year.
This approach to achieving Financial Freedom is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a process of finding what works for your own situation. This short book will help you to create a financial vision statement, set realistic goals and develop a process for achieving your long-term goals. After completing these steps, you will understand that there is more to financial freedom than having no debt and large savings account.
This book is a simple easy read that goes through some great aspects about financial freedom. He goes through Haves and Wants, crating a Financial Vision, The Comparison Killer. Talking about if you have spending addiction or just might be a paranoid saver, and the benefit of Financial Coaching.
A few of my favorite quotes from the book are…
“A few minutes a day tracking your money will “pay” you far more than the time you spend working to earn it.”“Financially free people are doers, not complainers. Those who struggle with finances are complainers not doers.”“Financial Freedom is about recognizing what you have instead of focusing on what you want.”“As long as you’re lacking you’re not free. A lot of what people lack are things they don’t really need. A simple change in perspective would turn them from someone chained to various wants, to someone who is happy with what they have. Therefore they are financially free.”“Being wealthy is not about how much we have, it’s what we believe about what we have. A millionaire can be unhappy, and desperate for more, while someone living on $1,400 a month can be totally satisfied with money to spare. The difference between prosperity and poverty is our degree of gratitude.”
I would totally recommend this book to anyone who has a desire to become finically free, or who needs help finding a clear vision of their financial objectives.
As a gift to help families start off 2016 with tools on how to improve their financial situation, author Greg Keston is giving away 10 copies of his book, Financial Freedom: Finding What Works for You. All you need to do is visit www.freefinancialbook.com and be one of the first 10 people to request a FREE copy (shipping and handling will be paid).
You can also find other valuable videos and resources at: www.financialfreedom.co. I look forward to reading your review. Please let me know if you need a few more days to publish your review.
About the Author:
Greg Kesten has spent more than 30 years in the financial coaching field, with a focus on education and teaching. As a business owner and entrepreneur, Greg knows what it takes to set realistic objectives – and reach them. His formal education includes a B.A. in Communications from Brigham Young University, an M. Ed in Guidance and Counseling from South Dakota State University. Greg has also been certified as a coach with Franklin Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.