In the church I belong to, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, when our daughters turn 12 they join the YW’s program. They have classes every Sunday, work on a program called Personal Progress, and have weekly activities to help stregthen their testimonies, make friends and have fun! My daughter turned 12 last week. I have been dreading this day. mot because she is going to YW’s, but because she is a Young Woman! AHHHH She is growing up way to fast. I am actually excited for her to have all the same experiences I had growing up, and to have new and probably better ones! The Young Women’s program is a great program and I loved almost every second of my time in Young Women’s and I hope she does also! As part of the program every Sunday the Young Women and their leaders stand and say the Young Women Theme. An amazing theme to help the girls understand who they are, and the values that they are striving to live by. As a young women, my mom and leaders taught me a great deal about what the theme meant, but I could have tried to understand it better. That is why I am SO excited to tell you about this book, “We Are Daughters of Our Heavenly Father” by Jen Brewer that was just released!
When you join the YW’s program you say this theme every Sunday.
“WE ARE DAUGHTERS of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him. WE WILL “STAND as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9) as we strive to live the Young Women values, which are:
Faith • Divine Nature • Individual Worth • Knowledge • Choice and Accountability • Good Works • Integrity • and Virtue
WE BELIEVE as we come to accept and act upon these values, WE WILL BE PREPARED to strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.”
I’m sure half the girls might not completely understand what each phrase means, that’s ok. As they say it for the next 6 years hopefully they will understand it and apply it to their life. This book, “We Are Daughters of Our Heavenly Father” breaks down the whole theme and takes each sentence and value and helps you understand it even better. I am so excited to give this book to my daughter.
“We Are Daughters Of Our Heavenly Father” by Jen Brewer
The theme hasn’t always been around. It came in the 80’s when Ardeth Kapp was the General YW’s President. In the book you can learn the importance of the words they repeat each week. This inspirational book helps the young women better understand the theme by breaking down each section and sharing the story of how and why the theme was created. It will also help them discover their divine potential and how important they are in God’s plan! Thought provoking and uplifting, this book offers new insights for parents, leaders, and all young women.
Here is a little bit about the author, Jen Brewer:
Jen Brewer got her degree in dietetics from BYU, married her husband, and spent the next 10 years traipsing around the country with him as he pursued a medical degree, while adding children to their ever-growing family. They have now settled in Minnesota, where she works full time as a mother of 7, as well as pursues her passions of nutrition education, speaking to the youth, and writing. She speaks often to various groups of all ages. Her passion is reaching out to the youth and helping them see their true potential in the kingdom of God. She is a popular speaker at education week youth track, as well as at stakes and wards all over the country.
I decided I wanted to make my daughter a theme that matched her room, so I thought I would make a free printable for anyone to print off. I have a very strong testimony that girls this age, and even me, need to understand who we are and how much our Heavenly Father loves us!
Click to Print the Theme in
BLUE, Black and White, Pink and Green
This book would be a great addition to our library at home. I think it would benefit women of all ages. Those printables are really cute too!
I love this printable and thank you for creating it! I just wanted you to know that it reads.. We will “stamdas witnesses…
Hey Jenni, I fixed them! Thanks for telling me I really appreciate!!
No worries! Thank you! I love this for my girls and yw! Im excited to use it! Thanks for creating it!