About the book:If you long for a “humbug free” holiday, this is the book for you! Linda Hoffman Kimball presents a compilation of heartfelt and humorous experiences and ideas from women across the broad spectrum of LDS experience and location. Their words help families of any Christian background refocus on the sacredness of the season. Discover unique traditions, fresh ideas, practical tips, and spiritual insights so that your family can get back on track. There are even some recipes! This is a great gift to give your friends, neighbors and relatives.About the author: Linda Hoffman Kimball is an author and illustrator based in Illinois and Utah. Candy Canes & Christmastime: Enhancing the Holidays in the Real World is the 5th compilation for Cedar Fort in the “In the Real World” series. This series on topics compelling to Mormon women, features the voices and experiences of a wide array of women “in the trenches” who candidly share what they have learned from the highlights – and even the lowlights – in their efforts to build Zion. She is a blogger with Segullah.org and writes a column for the quarterly journal Exponent II with which she has been affiliated since 1975. Her other books include humorous novels for LDS adults Home to Roost (Hatrack River Press) and The Marketing of Sister B.(Signature Books), an essay compilation Saints Well-Seasoned: Musings on how food nourishes us – body, heart and soul (Deseret Book) and the children’s picture book Come with Me on Halloween (Albert Whitman Co.). Learn more at LindaHoffmanKimball.com.Linda Hoffman Kimball earned a BA from Wellesley College and an MFA from Boston University. She and her husband Christian have three grown children with marvelous spouses and three delightful grandchildren. She loves to travel, make creative messes, and consume dark chocolate.
Candy Canes and Christmastime by Linda Hoffman Kimball
I know it’s a little early to start talking about Christmas, but it is coming up and sometimes we can get a bit overwhelmed with the holiday season. It is very important for me and my family that we focus our holiday on Christ! We also love to have some fun traditions! It’s important to enjoy the season instead of feeling like you wish it would pass quickly. I feel like I have done pretty good with that. We do our 25 days of Christmas Spirit, Service and Fun, but it doesn’t overwhelm me. It’s simple and fun and the kids enjoy it! I also try not to look at too many Chrimstmas Idea Pinterest boards so I don’t feel like I am a loser mom that doesn’t bake enough treats and make cute crafts! I really enjoyed reading this book Candy Canes and Christmastime: Enhancing the Holidays in the Real World
. It has some great heartfelt stories and even some funny ones that have helped me realize that Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect. There are some fun unique traditions, tips and even some recipe that I am excited to try! (they are simple, and I like simple!)
You can purchase her book here! It’s a quick, light read to help you get a little more excited about this fast approaching holiday season.
I received this book as a review copy, all opinions are 100% mine!