It’s summer time, yeah! Have you noticed your kids getting a little hungrier during the day? It’s probably one of two things, they are playing a ton and are really hungry or they are just bored. Mine do both. I don’t love buying expensive snacks like fruit snack or granola bars. If we buy them they are gone so fast and my kids always want more than one pack. So I thought this week I would devote my post to some great summer snack ideas.
My kids all love fruits and most vegetables. So one of my favorite things to do is just cut up a bunch of different items and put them on a tray. I didn’t get a picture, because right now I need to go grocery shopping and I thought a picture of onions and kiwi would be kind of weird.
Also, guess what just ripened outside….
Apricots, and we have been snacking on them like crazy! It is so cool to see a tree go from looking dead, to flowers blooming, to having fruit on it! We didn’t get a ton because we were trying to figure out our sprinkling system for a month, but we got about 75! Most of my kids like them just plain, but my husband only likes them if I dehydrate them, so I dehydrated the rest tonight! It is so fun to have a tree in my yard the produces food! LOVE IT!
Yum, I miss our apricot tree! I have never tried dehydrating before, you might have to do a post about that!