So I wasn’t kidding when yesterday on Facebook I said I was going to make Lemonade. Life has been dishing out some lemons, so I really did make lemonade and it was quite refreshing 🙂 Here is my quick and easy Fresh Lemonade {sugar free} recipe.
- Take a quart jar and fill it with cold water (add ice if you want to.)
- Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons or one lemon and one lime (I like the limes in mine) into the jar.
- Add one scoop (2 if you want it a little sweeter) of Steviva -Or you can use one packet of Stevia or any kind of zero calorie sweetener you want.
- Whisk it all together and ENJOY!
(We have had this bottle of Steviva for almost a year and a half and use it every day to sweeten our fruit shakes. I wrote about Steviva in 2010 when I was asked to product test it. We still love it.
Pure Steviva Powder One bottle of Stevivia Stevia is equivalent to nearly fifty pounds of sugar with 0 calories, carbs and no fillers, additive or maltodextrin. 100% Natural and has been used in other cultures for centuries.
Life really is good, it’s just hard sometimes. I choose to have a good attitude! I feel very blessed and know that all things will work out. I found this quote today and thought I would share it with you…