We had a great Halloween. In the middle of moving I put together these quick and easy costumes for my kids. For the last 8 months they have been talking about being the chipmunks, and I was a slacker and basically got it all together about 2 days before 🙂
I got the long sleeve shirts at Walmart for $5, the green sweatshirt from a friend. The red hat free from some nice lady that told me she had one! The glasses from some fake ones I had as a kid. My daughters whole outfit for $13 at Walmart. and I made the boys sweats from Fleece fabric I got for $6.
Cutest Theodore Ever…
My husband was “Dave” and I was supposed to be “Clair” (whoever that is…Dave’s girlfriend…that’s prego?) 🙂
We had a great Halloween this year. Didn’t get to much candy,but also ate way to much, met with all our friends and came home and went to bed late!