Items to be auctioned off can range from kitchen items, barely worn clothes, services, unused beauty products, toys and home décor, etc.
I wish I would have taken a picture of what there was for up for auction. We had picture frames, signs, vinyl, spray tan, 2 dozen cupcakes to be made for an event, a Mini Photo shoot {from our friend that is an amazing photographer}, Cardigan, Stock Pot, Necklaces, Cute Hair Bows from my friend that sells them, Travel Hygiene Kit, and probably more I can’t think of.
Anyway, everyone brings a bag of $5 in Nickels and we all auction off our own items. You make the money from your auctioned item. So the better the item the more you will get. You start the bidding around 5 cents to 20 cents. The photo shoot went for $14 dollars. So my friend went home having made money! I went home with about $3.50 left over. I got a bunch of vinyl, a ice cream ball thing, and a few other random things.
The person in charge also donated $3 extra for Minute to Win it games. She did three of them between each round of auctioning. She picked the contestants who participated in the games from a hat. I won the Chocolate Unicorn game, by stacking 5 ding dongs on my forehead and counting to 30 before they fell off. It was pretty funny! That gave me an extra $1 in Nickels.
This was a way fun idea for a party with friends. I thought about how it could also be fun with husbands that come and bring their own “man” stuff. Either way it was a ton of fun! Can’t wait to do anther one!
Sounds like such a fun time!
That sounds like fun! I was wondering how someone bought the photo shoot for 14.00 if they only brought 5.00? I am thinking about doing this with some friends!
Hey Melinda, so for the nickel auction, She had sold 2 things of hers first and then didn’t buy anything until the photo shoot came up. Then she had $15 to spend. You can’t use anything but nickels.
That was so much fun!! I loved it! We need to do it again soon! Hope that baby comes soon too! 🙂
That was so fun- I’m thinking about doing it with my friends here in Vegas – I loved that it went for $14. I was so excited to come home with $