Hey everyone! I hope you had a wonderful 4th! We had a great day! We were up before the sun helping the kids put flags up for their flag business! Our little town had such a fun day planned full of fun stuff!
Welcome new followers. I hope you like what you see here at The Things I Love! Once a month I make handouts for the youth in the church for the lessons that are going to be taught that month. If you follow me on facebook you will be updated when I have more handouts for each month done! I hope you enjoy them! They were fun to make! You can right click and save them to your desktop or download the file with more handouts per page by clicking on the HERE button.
#1 – Why are Ordinances important in my life?
{¿Por qué las ordenanzas son importantes en mi vida?}
I made it double so you could print two on a page.
#2 -Why are covenants important in my life?
{¿Por qué los convenios son importantes en mi vida?}

#4 – How do I receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
{¿Cómo recibo el don del EspÃritu Santo?}
#5 – Why are temple ordinances important?
{¿Por qué son importantes las ordenanzas del templo?}
#6 – What does it mean to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ?
{¿Qué significa tomar sobre mà el nombre de Jesucristo?}
Thank you so much for sharing your hard work. These are wonderful and will be so helpful in my lessons.
Wow, these handouts are awesome. You have put a lot of work into them.
I love the things you love and you amaze me.
Thank you so much. Our Sunday School class is primarily girls and they will love these handouts. My husband and I appreciate your time and talents.
How grateful I’m for people like you that take time even when they don’t have much to do this.
Thanks so much. Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for the handouts, they will help us a lot. God Bless
This is so great, thank you so much!!!! I love it you have it in spanich too,so this might be a dumb question,but how do you make this in your computer?? I am new wuth computers but I am loving to make this pictures and print outs,