Summer is here and it’s house project time for me! I am really excited to start on all my projects I need to get done! I have a big list of stuff to get done before school starts again and carpet cleaning was on the top of it! With the long weekend I decided to take on the project! My carpets were dingy due to kids, shoes in the house (which aren’t supposed to be, but we have to live right?), general wear and tear and they just need a refresher. I was excited when I was asked to do a comparison between The BISSELL Big Green and The Rug Doctor. My husband had used the Rug Doctor for his work before, but I hadn’t ever tired either. I usually hire someone and spend way to much money. We haven’t had our carpets cleaned in a while so I was excited to see what these machines could do. After this experience I am now a fan of Carpet Cleaner Rental. It was really easy and actually kind of fun to clean my own carpets knowing that I could go over them as many times as I wanted to and work hard on the tough areas.
We rented the Rug Doctor from Walmart. The process was fairly simple. There is kiosk at the front of the store and you just go run your card and put your info in and as door opens up for you to grab it. The rental was about $29. I had to buy the cleaner to go with it at the cash register. The carpet cleaner machine is very heavy, and it looked a little grungy, but the tanks were clean.
The BISSELL Big Green carpet cleaner we rented from Lowe’s. It was a quick and easy process. You let a store attendant know that you are wanting to rent a machine. You pay (same price), they explain the process to you and tell you what needs to be cleaned when you return it. You can check their store locater HERE to find a rental place near you.
BISSELL Big Green Vs. The Rug Doctor
Which Carpet Cleaner is Better?
We have a good amount of carpet in our 2000 square foot home. We have 3 bedrooms, 1 playroom, and our family room. I wanted to get it all done in 2 hours! I started by vacuuming and edging around each room really well! In the play room I had a few stains, so I pretreated those stains with the cleaner that I got with carpet cleaner. I filled up both machines and right there I already knew which machine I liked better as far as filling and emptying go. With the Rug Doctor you have to do measurements according to how many gallons of water you use. You do it in your own separate bucket which I didn’t have so I had to use a quart jar and then poured it into the machine. The The BISSELL BIG GREAN MACHINE has two tanks, one on top of the other and they can both lift off. I took the clean water tank to the sink filled it as directed on the tank with Hot water and then filled the cap up twice with the cleaner and dumped it in. It was super simple. I liked that with the BISSELL I was able to see the water that was being used to know when it needed to be filled up again.
I started in my front room and did a half and half comparison. This carpet is newer so I couldn’t tell much difference except that I liked the lines the Bissell made and it looked like it was pulling the carpet up a little more. I then moved on to our playroom which was probably the dingiest carpet in my whole house. I did half and half and both my daughter and I saw a big difference between the two. I actually really enjoyed cleaning our carpets. It was hard work that was fulfilling. I love the feel of the carpet and the look of it being nice and clean.
I might as well get to the point and tell you which one I liked better and why….
Here is why…
I had (Had is the keyword here) a couple big ugly stains that I tried to get out a long time ago that was there when we moved into our house. With pretreating and using the BISSELL I was able to get it out in no time. I was doing a happy dance about that! I loved the way that I could maneuver the BISSELL Big Green and that it could go under my piano. The Rug Doctor was too tall. I also love that the Bissell works going forward and backward which makes it go faster and it also seemed to dry a lot faster. The Rug Doctor only works when you are going backward. Both machines are big and a bit bulky, but the BISSELL Big Green was a lot easier to move around. It was more like a vacuum.
The Rug Doctor seemed to drop more water, but not suck up as much. It dried a lot slower, possibly because I wasn’t very patient with only pulling it backward. It does have air that comes out the back that makes you feel like it is drying it, but when I walked on the carpets after cleaning them, the BISSELL Big Green was a lot more dry…and SO soft!!
I will for sure be renting one of these again. Obviously this is a sponsored post, and I wanted to make it as fair as possible. I wanted to like both of them, I really did, but hands down the BISSELL is a better carpet cleaner for at least three reasons. #1 – It is easier to use #2 – You can see the clean and dirty water #3 – It sucked up more water. I think Bissell knows this about their machine and that is why they asked us to compare the two. They have that much confidence in their machine.
Here is a video I decided to make to show the difference.
Giveaway Time – Free BISSELL Big Green rental coupon.!!!
One person will win a 24-hour rental from one of 6,000 retail stores across the country – the perfect time to get those carpets ready for summertime.
How to win:
- Visit here and comment below telling me why you’d most like to win.
- For an extra entry, leave a comment with the store name of the nearest Big Green rental location – no need to include a city or state. (Find all the locations here – just enter your zip.)
The winner will be notified on Monday, June 13
ATTENTION – For some reason I have having issues with comments. I am trying to get it back on soon, but either come back or email me and I will enter you into the giveaway.
And another bonus …Get $10 off a rental. If you don’t win the giveaway, this is still an awesome deal!
Today’s post is sponsored by BISSELL and my rental fees and formulas were paid for, but my opinion for the BISSELL Big Green being the better carpet cleaner is all my own!
I’d like to win because our carpet is atrocious
I’d love to win because our carpet desperately needs cleaned. It’s never been shampooed in the 5 years my husband and I have lived here, which is problematic since we have 4 pets.
The closest store I can rent from is Lowe’s, which is awesome because it’s very close!
Our carpet is old and really needs a good cleaning.
The closest store by me is Lowes.
I would love to win to clean my carpet and get in there and get all the dirt out and this is the machine that can do that.
My carpets need a good cleaning. Our dog died in February and I have nasty stuff on the carpets in our main dining room. It still smells after trying to clean it by hand. In addition, we just have daily grudge on the carpets from a couple years of use since the last time we cleaned them…professionally which cost a lot of money and they did a fair job.
I would like to win because I hve 9 rooms with carpets that need cleaned in my house. The closest store I can rent from is a store called Carpet Cleaner Rental.
I’d like to win because this looks relatively easy and still effective.
Who knew? My nearest rental location in Petsmart.
I would love to win because my carpet desperately needs to be cleaned with a dog and kids running around every day.
The closest store would be Lowe’s for me. I would love to win this for the fact we have animals and small children in the house. ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE CLEAN FLOORS
I would most like to win because I’ve lived in my house for 12 years and the carpets have never been throughly cleaned in this manner and I’m in the process of a divorce and MAJOR de-cluttering of my house which is much needed!!!
I’d really love to win because we’re getting ready to sell our house and the last parts that we’re working on is the cleaning and painting. I’d love to get our rooms deep cleaned
With three children, it seems like I can never get the house clean / clean enough. With the summer, they’ll be spending the majority of their time with their sports or at sports camps so I can really dig into the carpets and pretty much everything.
i would love to win this since i need a GOOD carpet cleaning! With 3 kids, 3 cats and a dog I would LOVE to have my carpets clean and smelling fresh! i really am impressed that the Bissell cleand so well by the reviews and dries fast!!!
The store closest to me that rents this machine is Price Chopper!
I would love to win because our dogs and children do a number on our carpets.
The closest store to us that rents these is Lowes.
I’d most like to win because I am moving in a few weeks and it’d be nice to have a new vacuum to clean a larger space.
I would love this to deep clean regularly to get rid of the dirt that my kids and dog get on the carpet!
You won!! Please email me back asap at thethingsilovemost (at)!!
We have two furbabies and four young children. As you can imagine my carpets are suffering at the mercy of them all:) I would love to win so I can clean it up and make me feel like I have back what I got in the beginning when we first purchased the house.
There is a Petsmart near me that is renting these.
My house used to be great and stain free. However, children change everything and now there are mystery stains that appear overnight. It is like a little gnome comes in at night and randomly spills items on the carpet.
I try my best to get it out but that little gnome used a magical product to make sure it stays put.
I would love to win this so that I can break that gnomes power over my once beautiful carpet!
Oh wow, never knew there were so many rental locations in a 50 mile radius. However, Lowe’s is the popular one..
We have two cats. That means that our carpets desperately need a cleaning!! 🙂
Our carpet hasn’t been shampooed for almost 2 years and we are also getting a puppy. It would be awesome to win a free rental.
Closest place would be Lowes.
We just bought a new home and the carpets need cleaned
I could really use this. My carpets are really dirty, I have 3 Boston Terrier’s that have had accidents, brought in mud, etc.
There is a Petsmart near me that has the Big Green machine.
The carpet in my family room is so dirty. It could really use a deep cleaning.
You can rent one at the local PetSmart store in Princeton.
I need to win because I’m about to change apartments and I need to clean the carpet to have a chance at my security deposit.
The closest to me is at The Bridle Trails Ace Hardware.
Lowes is the closest to my home. My carpet needs help with 2 kids and their friends and my husband doing car repair coming in the house tracking dirt on my carpet.
I would like to win because I currently co-habitat with my mother, I am moving out soon with my fiancé and our children, as a good bye ‘gift’ I would like to do her carpets for her, because I know that a few of them carpet stains were from my children. Lol
Lowes is the closest at 1.1 miles away 🙂
I’d love to win this because I have three messy boys and two dogs and three cats lol
The location closest to me to rent one of these is Lowe’s.
I would love to win because I like winning stuff!
My five month old wants to be on the carpet but the apartment hasn’t been shampooed in over a year. It is so stained from my messy husband and our active dog.
The location closest to me is a mile away at PetSmart, but I think I’ll go to one a bit further as I don’t want to use one that pet owners exclusively rented. lol
I would LOVE to win because our carpets have not been cleaned in an embarrassingly long while, and I would like to have clean floors for my child to play on and people to feel good about sitting on.
The location closest to me is PetSmart.
Well my daughter has a dog that has had many accidents
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I have both a pet smart and lowes that are less than 5 miles from my home
My carpets desperately need to be cleaned! Hope I win!
I could rent one at Lowe’s.
Oh I would love to win and do our carpets. With kids and 3 rescue dogs we adopted, our carpets could use a good cleaning. Its been a wet and rainy spring here….which means lots of muddy dog prints and little foot prints.
Our closest location is at our local Petsmart! Love shopping there for doggy toys and bones!
I would like to win to give the house a real deep clean.
The nearest store provider is a Big Lots!
My carpet and a Bissell big green machine are a match. My animals love making a mess on my carpets!
Lowes and Petsmart both carry the Bissell Big Green Machine. Not far at all!
Between a dog and two active kids our carpets haven’t been the color they started out as in a long, long time.
Petsmart and Jerry’s Hardware are my local rental places.
I would like to win because with 2 puppies, an infant, and a toddler you can never keep your carpets clean enough!!
The Lowes and Petsmart close to me both do rentals.
Zipcode: 37801
I would most love to win since I have four kiddo’s & numerous pets, and my carpet could really use a deep clean! I love how the web site mentioned protecting your investment, I never looked at keeping my carpet in good shape as an investment, but it really is!
My nearest Big Green rental location is at LOWE’S-CARPET CLEANER RENTAL
We are moving into our new home and the carpet in the upstairs rooms really needs cleaned
Lowes the the closest place that rents them 🙂
I would love to win because with 3 cats and1 dog, I want our carpet to be clean for my granddaughter to crawl on.
The nearest location is Meijers and Lowe’s.
I would like to win because I can not afford new carpets. We have three children and two dogs and it is important of me to keep our current carpeting as clean as possible. My daughter has asthma so it is extremely important to our family to keep it maintained.
I would like to win because we just moved into a new place and in lieu of a crazy deposit amount I told them I would repaint and clean carpets myself. I would love to use the Bissell Big Green to clean the carpets.
My nearest location is a Lowe’s. Only 1.9 miles away!
I would like to win because we have several stains in our carpet that need to be removed.
My nearest Big Green rental location is at Lowes
I’d like to win because this looks easy and effective to use and I want our carpet to be clean.
My nearest location is a PETSMART, 2.5 MILES away.
We just moved into an apartment and the carpet needs some deep cleaning. I think this would help!
Pesmart is the closest source of a rental to us.
I would like to win because our new puppy has ruined the carpets
Lowes is the closest store
Love to win because it is very powerful and do the amazing cleaning absorbing all the dirt
PETSMART is our nearest location
We’ve got a budding crawler in our home. I’d love to have a clean slate for her to start.
I would love to win this because my husband brought home an abandoned kitten and well he distorted our carpet. Thanks for the chance!!
I have 2 location near by Lowe’s and Pet smart!
I have one about 20 minutes from me and would love to try this for my carpets.
I’d like to win because this would be nice to have.
I read some of the reviews and it sounds like this is really easy to use and gets the tough stains. One person got chocolate syrup out of a white carpet. I need this for my house. Between the kids and the pets I am always paying to have the carpets cleaned. This would save me a lot of money.
Lowes is the closet place I can rent one. It is less than 10 miles from me.
I would love to win because my carpets are all stained up and that is not pretty plus ive never used the bissel before and Id like to see how it compares with the rug doctor
The nearest Big Green rental location is PETSMART on 6081 Florin Rd, super close to me!
My carpets could use a good cleaning!
I’d like to win to get rid of some red koolaid spots!
The closest stores to me are Lowe’s and PetsMart
Our carpets smell like dog and I’d love to freshen them up and have them be CLEAN!
Big Lots for me!
I’d love to win to get our carpets nice and clean before our new baby comes! Our newest rental location is the Quarry Bend Lowes
I’d like to win because my living room carpet has a odor from my dog, and it needs to be cleaned badly so it doesn’t so we can’t smell it when we walk in
Lowe’s is the closest
I’d love to try this! I have “clean carpet’ on my list of things to do this month so it would be perfect!
Petsmart is the location closest to me!
Because it has been 10 years since it was cleaned,. There is just me and my cat.
Pet Smart 130th and Aurora N
Seattle, WA
I would love to win because my carpet is off white & it shows every bit of dirt. Between the 5 kids, 2 dogs & 2 cats my carpets are getting pretty dirty. We have family coming to visit next month & desperately want to clean my carpets before they come down. Thank you.
There are a le locations not to far from me. Pet smart & Lowes
Fred’s is the closest location to me
Between my kids and my husband my floors could use a really good deep cleaning
The carpet in my bedroom is frankly gross so this would be so super awesome to win! And the nearest location to me is Petsmart~
I would love to win so I can clean my parents carpets they are not looking very nice lately..
The closest store is Lowes not far from my home..
I would love to win because I have 3 kids, a husband, a dog and a cat all living in my house. My carpet needs some good deep cleaning.
Eau Claire Wisconsin is my closest dealer.
I have a family of 10.. this would be awesome to win. My kids might even want to help clean!
LOWE’S Carpet Cleaner Rental.
I think it would be fun to rent one of these and use it at home. That way you could see for yourself how dirty your family is. I mean without an outside person seeing that. 🙂
It says there is a Lowe’s Service Center near me which I did not know.