Spring is here!! It’s my all time favorite time of year! I love getting outside and enjoying the beautiful weather. It’s nice to get out of the slump of winter and enjoy the amazing weather that spring brings. I am excited to have Whitney guest posting for me today sharing with us 20 Great Activities for Spring! She has compiled a great list that I am sure after reading it you will want to do all of them like I do!
20 Great Activities for Spring
by Whitney Hollingshead
Spring ushers in so many things to love. Warmer temperatures, cool breezes, refreshing rainstorms, fresh flowers, and new life are all part of this season of transition. Unfortunately it’s so easy to blink and miss the time between winter and summer. Before spring slips through your fingers, try out some of these great springtime activities.
1. Fly a kite. For extra fun, use an online tutorial and make your own kite.
2. Go on a hike. If you don’t have mountains nearby, plan a fun nature walk instead. Search online to find paths or trails in your area. Don’t forget to bring water and sunscreen!
3. Plant flowers. If you don’t have a yard or space for a garden, plant flowers or herbs in pots. You can even paint the pots in fun designs.
4. Read a book on a blanket outside. Pick a favorite book you want to read, choose something new and popular, or ask trusted friends for recommendations.
5. Hunt for eggs. Easter egg hunts can be fun for adults too. You can even put clues to a scavenger hunt in plastic eggs, or find other ways to make this seasonal quest enjoyable.
6. Picnic. Did you know you can pack a picnic for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, or a late night outing? Move out of the sandwich rut and try a variety of take along foods.
7. Ride a bicycle. Ride your bicycle on a bike path, explore the neighborhood, ride without a destination in mind, or consider riding to work instead of driving. Just remember bicycle safety and keep your ears and eyes open to stay safe and enjoy the spring.
8. Invent an outdoor game. Grab a variety of items and create your own rules. For example, what game can you create with a few hula hoops, a frisbee, and two brooms?
9. Play with bubbles. In today’s world you can purchase large bubble wands, bubble guns, and a variety of bubble making toys. Of course, an old school bottle with a small wand included can provide hours of fun too.
10. Create a mural on concrete. Grab some sidewalk chalk and head to the open concrete. Create a mural on your own or ask others to collaborate with you. Just make sure you have permission from the owner if you do not own the concrete slab!
11. Chase a rainbow. The next time you see a rainbow, and time allows, jump in your car and drive toward the end of the rainbow. While you may not find a pot of gold, you will most likely have the chance to explore a part of your world in a different light.
12. Bake cupcakes or sugar cookies. Use food coloring to create pastel frosting and frost or decorate to create delightful springtime treats.
13. Go to a baseball game. From pick up games in the park, little league, or high school all the way to the Major League, find a game in your area and enjoy this American pastime.
14. Wash the car. Enjoy the sunshine and a little water fun and maybe end up with a cleaner car too.
15. Make strawberry shortcake. Take advantage of fresh strawberries and make this delightful treat. Whether you use a cake mix, purchase angel food cake, or make shortcake from scratch, any variation will please when topped with whipped cream.
16. Purchase fresh flowers. Buy a bouquet and use various items from around your home to create small arrangements for each room. Consider mason jars, teacups, pitchers, watering cans, and even drinking glasses to make small bouquets.
17. Learn about the birds outside your window. Do you see or hear birds outside? Do you know what kind of birds are native to your area? Do some research and more fully enjoy the unique soundtrack provided by nature.
18. Drive around with the windows down. Take advantage of short drives around town and let the spring breeze in. Of course, this suggestion is not enjoyable when taking the freeway.
19. Walk barefoot outside. Did you know that engaging your senses releases endorphins? For example, walking barefoot through sand can actually make you feel better. For other endorphin releasing ideas, click here.
20. Fire up the grill. Get grilling season started and try out some new recipes. Instead of burgers and hot dogs, consider marinated chicken, salmon, or even pizzas with fresh toppings.
Thanks Whitney for the great post sharing these 20 Great Activities for Spring! I can’t wait to get outside and do all of these things!!
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I agree with this whole list! So many things I need to do. Once it warms up again. I used to read outside on a blanket all the time, but haven’t done it for years. Now I’m going to make it top priority. Thanks for inspiring me!
What fun post. Pinning and adding some of these to my Spring Bucket List!
These are all great ideas! I wish it wasn’t snowing today so I could go out and do some of them lol my nephews love doing geocoding and I think we are going to try to go with them a few times this year and see what we can find!
One more reason to be excited for the snow to melt today. 🙂 I love spring!
Perfect activities for Spring!
Play with bubbles is one of my favorites!! Too bad Utah decided to be winter today instead of spring 😛
Love these ideas, can’t wait until the weather will let us do all of these things!!
This is such a great list! I love it! I will definitely have to share it with our parents and students. We love activities that keep kids active and playing outside, especially during the warm months.
These are all perfect ideas for spring (and summer!)!! We plan on spending most of our spring/summer outside, so this will be nice to refer to for ideas! =)
Such a fun list! This is the perfect time of the year. 🙂
Love the post! We are always looking for fun inexpensive things to do in the spring!