The Things I Love 25 Days of Christmas 2012
I am so excited for this post! I have been anticipating it for a couple of months now, and now it’s finally here! Let me start off by saying how much I love Christmas! I love everything about it. I put my tree up tonight. I LOVE putting up the Christmas tree. It brings a peace into my home every year. I love to put my kids to bed and go and turn out the lights and with just the tree lights on, read, eat a yummy snack or watch a show in the peace and quiet of the night! Yeah for the holiday season!!
For the next 25 days I will share with you what our family does to have fun in December! And also what we do to remember the the real meaning of Christmas, and make it more of a focus on Christ instead of Santa. I am a firm believer of the magic of Santa, fun, presents and all, but I really wanted to “Put Christ back into Christmas” this year for my families sake to help teach my kids the true meaning of the season.
To start here are a few traditions we have…
25 Christmas Books… I have collected Christmas books over the years and last year I was able to start this tradition with my kids. I got most of these books at garage sales and the DI, but some I bought because they are really special, and I wanted to have them to share with my children. One of my favorite is The Giving Chest by Dick Van Dyke. It is a sweet story that my kids love to hear each year. We also love the simplified story in the My First Story of the First Christmas. We have lots of fun ones and also some more spiritual ones! I like to mix them up and trade off nights! I wrap these books and put them in a basket by the tree and let the kids trade off picking out a book to read each night!
Gift Giving and Gift Exchange…
This year we are doing something new. My kids will each receive 3 gifts on Christmas morning {Plus what is in their stocking}. Three to remember the 3 gifts given to Christ by the Wise men. One that Santa will bring, one picked out by Dad, and one from Mom. I don’t want to spoil my children, but I also want them to have something nice. Since we NEVER buy our kids anything extra except for one present on their birthdays I think that 3 gifts is just perfect.
Also, tonight we had a little family home evening how we can serve others and that during this time of season we need to think more about what we want to give others than what we want to receive. So we are having our kids spend their own money on the cousins that they have picked this year. We are also going to pick a family member for them to get a gift for and then on Christmas Eve we will do a small gift exchange between the 5 of us. We are mostly trying to work with our 5 year old that thinks because he cut out ever single toy that he liked out of the Wal-Mart Toy Catalogue that he will get it. We want him to forget about that and focus on a family member and something they might really want. We will have a $5 dollar limit,, and let them totally pick it out. I am really excited about this new one!

In Christmas’s past I just had 25 fun things to do in December with my kids. This year I added 25 Days of the Spirit of Christmas with it. We will do that part of it during school, and the December Fun part in the evening when It’s dark, but not yet bed time.

Kendra! This post is so so so awesome. Wow! You are one amazing mom! Your kids are soooo blessed to have you. I love all of your ideas and I just might have to steal a ton of them. Thanks so much for sharing these ideas!!! Looks like your family is going to have one amazing month!
I just put a link to your blog on my blog and told my readers a little about you and about this awesome post!
Seriously- you are adorable! Where do you find time girl?? I’m excited for your 25 days of Christmas. You are quite the inspiration! Thanks for sharing.
Well that’s from Elf, of course! The food groups….
And Of course I love what you do, so I’m going to share this with all my friends!!!
I posted your 25 days link on my blog sidebar 🙂
I am so excited for your 25 Days of Christmas. I have been wanting to buy the Discovery Scripture Christmas set–I think I will need to do it!!! I just shared this link on FB with a link to your blog too!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
erinropelato (at) yahoo (dot) com
i love it! Actually, we do ALOT of the same things!It’s such a fun time of year! Yes, I am linking you to my blog and “liking” it on FB too! Elf is one of our favorite christmas movies too!
I shared the love with my large family. =) angelou22 at gmail dot com
Thank you for all the awsome things u do and share! I love all the great ideas I get and I always love to share with all my other friends. I love the 3 gifts idea this yr my kids are getting one gift simple to represent christ ( it also helps the budget 🙂 and the food listed is from elf of course
Just posted your link on my facebook as well as my own blog! Love your ideas!!
Sounds great! It’s not live yet, but I’ve already linked with my post going up tomorrow morning 🙂
Just posted your link on facebook! Kenj your amazing and thanks for all the fun ideas, i’ve been wanting to do this with my kids for a long time!! Oh and of course the movie is Elf, my all time favorite Christmas movie as well!!
Just posted your blog on my blog!! Too much fun!
Oh yeah, the movie is Elf!! It’s mine and my husbands favorite Christmas movie!!
so excited to start this with my family, I love the 3 gift idea. We don’t do a lot for Christmas so this is a great idea. Thank you
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I am SO glad I came across your blog as I was looking for ideas for the advent calendar! This year is the 1st time I am making one instead of buying one at the store!
Anyways … I posted your blog on my blog (although my blog is private)!
Oh and the movie is Elf! 🙂 One of my favorite Christmas movies as well! 🙂
I am introducing my mother-in-law to the world of blog giveaways and she’s amazed that such a thing exists! Thanks for inspiring me with so many ideas. I am having a baby any day now so I’ve been trying to get all my Christmas duckies in a row and your lists are a big help!
I put a little thing on Facebook about it. 🙂 And I love the movie Elf too!
Shared with family & friends! So fun! Thank you! Also…the movie is Elf…one of my favorites!
I love the idea of the books I read that on another blog too and we are going to do it this year. I also love the Giving Chest. I’m hoping to add to my collection and always keep my eyes open. I’m sharing this on Facebook and the movie is Elf (shh!! the only way I know is because of all the other answers).
I told my family, and I’m pretty sure it comes from the movie Elf. 🙂
I just found your blog – so great!! I posted a link on my facebook and the movie reference was to Elf – a great movie!! Thanks for the ideas. I wrapped our christmas books tonight!
I posted a link in a blog post talking about your 25 Days of Christmas. I also have a link on the side of my blog for all who read mine to check out yours. I really appreciate your blog. I always look forward your posts. Thanks again, Kendra!
Love Elf! Shared on Facebook!/profile.php?id=100001426039382
Man, If only I could have it together as much as you. Love your posts sis! Jen
Told all of my family about it!
Posting your blog site on my facebook page right now.. Going to download “Discover Christmas” too! Love the 3 gift idea! So important to instill the TRUE meaning of Christmas to our kids, starting at a young age!
I just recently found this post through pinterest, which I then repined onto my Christmas Board! I couldn’t stop reading this post and am so excited to try to implement some of the fun ideas you have shared! I don’t have any kids yet, but this will help my husband and I draw closer to the spirit during this special season. Thank you for sharing, and I’ll spread the love through my blog!
and syrup is definitely part of “ELF” One of the best Christmas movies!
This is awesome. We are working on the same types of things in our home!
Love! Love! Love! I will be passing this on to my son and daughter in law for my grandson. This truely is what Christmas should be about. I am so looking forward learning new things about Christmas! Thank You Kendra