This last month has been a busy one! I can’t believe it is already halfway through June! Summer is flying by. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am! I didn’t put my kids in anything special. I thought of doing swim, and summer camps, but decided they had such a busy school year, I just wanted to make our summer low key and fun. They are doing Summer Running Club like they have in the past. I did decide to put them in a little Free Children’s Musical Theater Camp for something new that they haven’t done before. A girl in our co-op who is only 12 loves theater and loves to direct plays. Her dream is to one day own her own children’s theater. She sent out an email saying they were having audition, but that everyone could be in it! I knew my daughter would love it, but had to kind of encourage my boys that it would be fun. They aren’t really the drama type, although they can be pretty dramatic sometimes LOL! They were doing Willy Wonka Jr, which has a ton of boy roles, and I knew they would have fun!
We went to the auditions and my boys both just said they wanted to be Oompa Loompas so they didn’t have to try out, but I encouraged my 8 year old (cowboy) to just try out and have fun. He wasn’t very happy about it because there was a trampoline and playground set in the backyard, but he did it and he did very well. They both did great! It was pretty low key, but they did have to sing out loud on their own. Cowboy was super nervous, but he was so cute! At the end he walked up to them and said, just don’t give me anything with a lot of singing lines, I don’t like to sing in front of people.
Well the next morning we got an email with our lines saying that LaLa was Violet, which was exactly who she wanted to be, and Cowboy was Charlie! I was shocked. He was shocked. I knew he would be perfect for the role if his nerves didn’t get to him. He has a great voice and fun personality, but can be a bit shy in new situations, which is perfect for Charlie Bucket!
So they spent three weeks memorizing their songs and lines. We listened to the CD 5 billions times, and they had every part memorized! The camp was a day camp from 8-3 for three days. They worked very hard and on the last night of the camp they performed it for us!!! It was adorable. It was at this girls house, but they had a stage and props and they even painted the Oompa Loompas hair blue! I am so proud of my cute kids for doing something hard. Cowboy did an awesome job as Charlie, nerves and all!
Here is my little Jack Jack dancing on stage all by himself before the show started! Silly kid!
So that is that for our summer camp fun! This next month is a busy one. We are going to go on a week long trip up north to visit our family while dad is at scout camp, and then going to a reunion in Wyoming in August. Other than that we are staying cool in our pool, or going to the river, or just playing at home with Lego’s, toys or friends!
What are you doing to get through these long, hot summer days?