I love this time of year. I love that it it brings us closer together as families, as friends and as communities! It seems during this time of year people love more, care more, and are more kind in their actions towards others.
Every Christmas season we as a family do acts of service and other activities to help us focus on Christ and the joy that can be shared with others. This helps to bring a special spirit into our home. Not just when we are participating in the service, but throughout the whole month. We feel more love towards others, and are more selfless.
I love this quote from President Thomas S. Monson. I decided to make a printable to have it in our home to remind us of what the most important gift to give this Christmas season is! The quote came into my mind today after a busy day of running lots of errands and struggling to get my babies to bed. After feeling frustrated with my 2 year old that had come out of his bed way to many times, I picked him up, wrapped him in his blanket and rocked him. He realized I was crying and said “sorry mommy” in his sweet two year old voice. That’s when the words to this quote spoke to my heart. I knew that I needed to follow the advice and take with me “a tender, caring heart” as my gift to my Savior this year.