I saw these diaper bags a while back from someone on Facebook and knew it was something I would love. I hate having a purse on one shoulder, a diaper bag on my other shoulder and the carseat to go into a store, or church. This Roogo Bag from Royal Baby Connection is such a great diaper bag, I am so glad someone thought if it!! I have gone out twice since the baby was born and both times I was so glad all I had was this carseat with this attached Roo-Go diaper bag. I put wipes, 4 diapers, a binki, burp cloth, my phone and my money. Perfect, huh? And it just fits perfectly right there at the bottom of my carseat!
You can also wear it on your shoulder like a regular diaper bag….or even a fanny pack!
Here is some info from the site about the benefits of owning a Roogo bag