Last week my husband had a class he had to take in Vegas so I decided to tag along. Ok not really tag along because once I dropped him off I was on my own. SCARRY! I was a bit nervous but really wanted to go see some fun things in Vegas. I was so worried I would somehow end up in a bad part of town so before I left I mapped out everything, got an address for each destination and put it in the GPS.
The morning came to leave and we woke up late…not good. Then as we were driving there we got a flat tire…yup I told you how much I love Discount Tire. That’s two flats again in just two weeks! {We like doing things in pairs} Well to make matters worse, the jack broke while my husband was trying to fix the tire. So we had to wave someone down at 7:00 AM to help us. I bet the man that helped us wasn’t very happy inside, I mean really who would be driving around at 7 unless they are in a hurry to be somewhere. Thankfully everything worked out and we were back on the road in about 15 mins. After dropping my husband off at his class we headed to Discount Tire…it was not in my GPS but we saw it on our drive so I was just fine. After spending about an hour there we were on our way to our first adventure…
The Las Vegas Temple. The drive to the temple is quite shocking…very low income, homeless area and then all the sudden….boom huge homes and the beautiful temple.
We walked around for a bit, took pictures, fed the baby, watched the airplanes that were practicing from the air force base close by, and then we were back in the car ready to go on our next adventure.
The Lied Discovery Children’s Museum…
I really had no clue what this was going to be like. I just saw it online and thought it looked kind of fun. When we first pulled up there were about 20 homeless people outside the building next door which was attached to the museum. I was kind of freaking out inside…I am not afraid of homeless people, but really didn’t want my car to be stolen or broken into. I felt peaceful about going in and left it at that. The museum was a blast! We stayed there for 3+ hours and the kids enjoyed everything about it. I guess in November they are opening a new one right in the middle of town that is going to be huge. This one was perfect for us and me not having my husband with me.
One of my favorite things about being there was that they had a lot of scientific exhibits that the kids could play with that had to do with what we had been studying in science. Incline Planes, levers, pulley, all sorts of simple machines.
The kids favorite was the “Can you Survive a Hurricane” exhibit. At first they couldn’t stay in past 20mph, but La La and Cowboy went in together and survived up to 60+ winds! It was pretty funny!
One of my favorite things was a 1000 ft. long tube that talked about how fast sound waves travel, which was exactly what I had taught the kids about for Science that week!
They loved seeing themselves on the big screen!
They had a fun section with a Grocery store, Bank, Information Center, Airport, Post office and my kids favorite….the Mechanic shop. {They played in the shop for about an hour} I told my husband we just might have to build one in our future home!
The Little Mister was a very happy boy the whole time and even got a nap in.
We had a great time and will definitely go again when they open the new one. After we were done there we went and visited a friend of mine from High school. It was so fun to see her and meet her family, but sadly I forgot to take my camera in. Next time for sure! Then back we went to pick my hubby up who is now CPR certified to Train a Trainer…very exciting!!
That’s where I gave him there wheel and finally relaxed. It was a bit stressful to drive around such a big city and relay on a talking machine to get me where I needed to go! It was fun though and I am glad I went. We ended our evening trying to avoid all the blocked off roads and crazy traffic because Obama was in town , and headed to my friends house for dinner! It was a perfect ending to a fun day to sit and chat with good friends.
I need to do this more often. I love that about homeschooling. That we can take it on the road and go and be adventurous. We will have to go on more Home school field trips like this again!
The museum looks (and sounds) incredible! I definitely want to take my kidlets there!
It was so awesome to see you!
What a great day! 😀 I’m glad for you all…