Last night we met up with our friends at the temple for Family Home Evening, and had a little lesson and walked around the visitors center. Our friend asked the kids to go touch the temple and then asked the kids if they felt anything while doing so. The girls came back and said “the window” and then Cowboy said “The Love of Jesus” I thought it was such a sweet answer and I am sure he felt it in some way!! I feel it when I am in the temple why can’t he feel it when he touches it!! It was a sweet experience.
After that we went through the display/presentation they have on the family. It always gets me teary, mostly because I am so grateful for my family and that we will be together forever. At the end the lady was bearing her testimony to us, and LaLa said something to her about someone she knows that died, then Cowboy chimed in to tell her about his great grandpa that died, and then Jack Jack in his little 2 year old voice said “my mommy died” UM….NO!! I am not dead I am very much alive buddy!!
Today we were trying to get to the local library story time and I was feeling a little rushed but was in an good mood. As I went to open the door to the library my daughter randomly said, “Mom, you’ve got to be grateful for your life while you still have it.”
Wow! Very profound coming from a seven year old. That statement hit me really hard. Sometimes as a mom I hear my kids say things like that and I get all nervous that they know something that I don’t. Well I am not dying, at least not today, but what my daughter said is true. You never know how long your life will be, and we all need to be grateful for life while we are still here on this earth.
Later in the day I had a meeting and one of the ladies in our presidency read a quote by Sister Hinckley (one of the most happy people I know) about being content and happy in life.
From these three things said, I realized I need to be more grateful, and more happy. Life is hard, it’s not easy. With a busy husband in school fulltime and working fulltime, and being a homeschooling mom with three little kids, and having a calling that keeps me busy, among other things, I could think of plenty of things to complain about, but why? Why complain? Life is wonderful. I am blessed with an amazing family, I have three beautiful kids, a wonderful husband, a home to live in, and most importantly the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life! I can’t imagine life without it, any of it! It’s Perfect!!!
So today and hopefully everyday ( I am sure I will have my moments), I am going to be happy and content and grateful for my life “while I still have it!”
Come back tomorrow for my 100th post giveaway!!! Oh and go here and here for the first day of the Celebration of the Family!!
“My mommy died”
That sounds like something my Spencer would say 🙂
Your kids are so cute! I can totally identify with kids saying embarrassing things . . . My kids are always saying something goofy at church or at school, and I’m like, “I promise I didn’t teach them that!” Unless of course it’s something profound like Maddy, and then I hope people will credit me for it somehow!
What a smart kid!
And what a smart Mommy!
Can’t wait for the giveaway!
I love Sister Hinckley! I want to be like her when I grow up. ☺
I learn a lot when I stop to listen what my children have to say. They are wise old souls!