Yesterday I woke up late, got to the gym late, got home late and saw that my husband was busy with work, the kids were making a mess in the hall and my oldest, who was supposed to be up and getting ready, was still sleeping and refusing to get up because she was so tired. I told her about 5 times to get up in a grouchy voice and then resorted to pouring water on her if she didn’t get up. She got up and ran to the couch telling me she was tired and grumpy. I asked the boys to clean up, and they didn’t even budge. I needed to shower and get ready! I felt like screaming. “Normal” mornings are not like this!! Normally my husband has the kids at the table and they are eating and not making messes, but he had some work he had to get done. I went in to my husbands “office” and asked him to please help me. I needed to get going on school. Then I broke down crying. I don’t know why. I had about 25 billion things I needed to get done and something telling me if I didn’t get going I would never get though the day!
My husband put the kids to work and I cried on the couch. He came out and sat by me and we talked it out. I really get steamed up and stressed out when things aren’t going my way. I want it to all be perfect, and if it doesn’t start out perfect then I don’t think it can turn around. My wonderful husband put things into perspective for me, {side note, my husband is not the most sympathetic person, not that he is not nice, but he just doesn’t quite understand emotion, and why I start to cry, he usually will kindly say “Get over it” and then leave for work} but today he knew that I just needed a time out, and someone to talk to and get my feeling out. Homeschool is going great. I need to remember that just because things aren’t always perfect in the morning doesn’t mean that it will last the whole day! {My brain needs to not give up} After I cheered up, the kids ate breakfast {at 9:00…rug!}, and I got everything ready for school the words to this song came into my head. I love this song and especially love to hear the primary kids sing it. I can always hear them sing it from the Relief Society room and I get all teary. It is a perfect testimony of how I felt yesterday!!
I Know That My Savior Loves Me
1. A long time ago in a beautiful place,
Children were gathered ’round Jesus.
He blessed and taught as they felt of His love.
Each saw the tears on His face.
The love that He felt for His little ones
I know He feels for me.
I did not touch Him or sit on His knee,
Yet, Jesus is real to me.
I know He lives!
I will follow faithfully.
My heart I give to Him.
I know that my Savior loves me.
2. Now I am here in a beautiful place,
Learning the teachings of Jesus.
Parents and teachers {And Husbands} will help guide the way,
Lighting my path ev’ry day.
Wrapped in the arms of my Savior’s love,
I feel His gentle touch.
Living each day, I will follow His way,
Home to my Father above.
Copyright © 2002 by Tami Jeppson Creamer and Derena Bell. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home or church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
I need to remember this always, and teach to my kids. How could he not love me? He has given me an amazing family, an amazing husband, great kids, and a beautiful world to live in!!
Picture taken while driving through Utah! Look at all the cloud formations! So Beautiful!!
Have a wonderful day {even if you haven’t so far}! Make it better!!
I totally understand the not understanding emotion and get over it since I am the same way – what I don’t get is the talking it out, or even just talking at all since my husband doesn’t believe in talking. I envy what you have – I love your husband.
I am a Primary Leader and I think I cry EVERY time I hear that song.
I had tears come to my eyes just reading the lyrics on your post 🙂
I’m just dropping by to say THANK YOU for the support. xo
Kenj I love that song! I often find myself sing ing that song to my kids and thinking of the words.
I homeschool also and feel the exact same way. Hang in there on those days. They end up not being horribly bad.:)Thanks for the reminder of my Savior’s love.