This post is sponsored by Mom It Forward and UPSTART all opinions are 100% my own! #ad #UtahUPSTART
A couple years ago I was homeschooling two of my oldest kids one in first grade and one in third, I had a preschooler and a brand new baby and I knew that I needed to do something with my pre-schooler. Since I home school I didn’t want to send him away to preschool so I tried to figure out what I wanted to do with him as far as learning a little every day. I loved reading stories to him and doing fun little educational things at home, but I also knew that there was going to be times when he would want my attention and I would need to give it to the older children. That is when I found UPSTART. A friend of mine told me about it and I was very excited to find out that it was a free preschool online for kids in Utah.
Upstart: A Free Preschool Program in Utah
I was a bit hesitant hearing it was all online for 4 year olds, but I also knew that he would be more motivated to do it if it was on the computer. He loves computer games and as a little 4 year old he thought it was so fun to play educational games on the computer. The other thing I liked about the UPSTART program was the fact that they only required you do it for 15 to 20 minutes a day. The program has proven that for just 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, children can become kindergarten ready. In fact, most children graduate from UPSTART already at an advanced kindergarten level. Over 15% of Utah preschoolers use UPSTART, and in a 2013 study, external evaluators found that kids using UPSTART have 2-3x higher learning rates than those who don’t use the program.The program is simple and very easy to use. They either give you a laptop to use for the year or they give you a hard drive with the program on it that you just plug into your regular computer. UPSTART uses Waterford Institute’s award-winning software and contains thousands of educational songs, books and lessons to teach reading, math and science. Each child is given unique, individualized lessons based on their skill level and learning style. And the best part is—they love it! It is a very unique and fun way for preschoolers to learn!

My little guy after his graduation!
The thing my son loved most about it where the fun songs! The songs are all learning songs and he loved signing them around the house after his lessons. He learned a lot that year and had fun with the program. At the end of the year you get to go to a little celebration / graduation! We put our name in a drawing and he won a full set of beginner reader books, II couldn’t recommend the upstart program more! It is that program directed to help preschoolers learn but also have fun doing it.
Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity for your child! Register now for UPSTART 2015 and beyond at
Wow! I have never heard of this before. I would be hesitant too, being that it’s all online but it sounds great and so easy!
What a cool idea! Glad you had a good experience.
What a very cool idea! Thanks for passing this on. I will share it with my friends who have preschoolers.
Such a great resource!! I’ve had friends whose kids have used it and have loved it!! I found out a little too late for my kiddos 😉
I’ve heard good things about Upstart from a few friends and may have to look at starting Rohrl on it next year when he turns 4. Thanks for letting me know how it worked out for you 🙂
This sounds like a really wonderful resource! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
We are so glad you had a wonderful experience with Utah Upstart! Thanks for sharing this. We love hearing that it was great success for you and your little guy.
We loved it. Wish I would have gotten my 4 year old in it this year, but I spaced it and missed the deadline.
Cool program. I like that it’s on the computer for just a short bit- enough to learn but not waste time!
This makes me wish I lived in Utah. My 4-year-old would love that program. How cool that kids who do it are kindergarten ready or above. 🙂