A few months ago I read a blog titled The Super Mom, or something like that {I will not post the real title in case some of my readers know this person}. It had a lot of amazing ideas for any woman that has 400 extra hours during the day and $400 extra dollars to spend daily. I wrote this post a while back on my family blog and wanted to share it with you…..
Do you ever feel a little overwhelmed?? I did yesterday. I had a friend send me this link, The Super Mommy Blog saying how awesome this blog was. So I went to it, and then started scrolling down, and down, and down, WOW, by the end of page 3 I was thinking I am such a slacker mom. Don’t go look at it if you want to still feel like you are a good mom. I have always wanted to be a “super mom”, you know the mom that has crafts and food and decorations and an amazing scrapbooking contraption to make cute things for my whole house, but it just is so expensive, and time consuming. Then I started to think of all the food blogs that people have and wished that I cooked like them. I was on this “Wo is me” kick and turned the computer off.
I laid in bed that night and started thinking about it, and where we could get the money for me to do stuff like that, and then the thought came to me that those things are fun, and it is okay to do fun crafty things every so often, but it doesn’t need to consume me. I don’t need to decorate and bake and make tons of crafts for every holiday. Then I got to thinking that most people are not like this “super mommy” {the super mommy probably has her days of not being a super mommy}, but we are all super mommy’s and daddy’s in our own way. I started to think of things we do to help our kids everyday. Sure it would be fun to make amazingly cute crafts, bake yummy treats, and go on fun trips, but kids really don’t care. They care that we sit next to them and read to/with them, they care that we feed them good food, and a treat every so often, they care that we are teaching them about right and wrong, and about God and his plan for them. They care that we do fun things as a family, and they care about how much time we spend with them. They care that we have a warm house and a nice bed for them to sleep in. Then I realized, I may not be like this “super mommy”, but I am a “super” mom to my kids. I can not compare myself to other people and especially their blogs 🙂 So thank you Super mommy for your cute craft ideas, you keep them up and maybe one day I will make something from your blog!
I just read a couple of blogs today about how blogging posts can sometimes make the readers feel like the author is like Mary Poppins, Practically Perfect in Every Way!! I was just discussing this with my husband recently, and told him that I hope my readers don’t think I am some perfect mom that cooks and has a clean house, and perfectly well behaved children {My neighbors can attest to this} I do try, but we are all human and none of us are perfect. We all have hard days. Life is hard. I try to stick to a schedule, a menu plan, and be super healthy. I really wish that every day I could have time to cook perfectly healthy food from scratch for my kids and take away all eating of high fructose corn syrup, white flour, white sugar and have it be all organic everything, but that will probably never happen. I wish my days went by perfectly. But they don’t…Strange huh.
Not one day goes by as planned, I give in and make Yellow Death {Maccaroni and Chesse} for lunch, I eat not just one but 6 chocolate chip cookies when I was trying to just do a treat a day. My kids talk back to me, I yell at my kids, my husband and I miscommunicate and are frustrated with each other. I want you all to know I am in no ways perfect at everything I put on here. I am just like you, a normal person trying to make my family life as good as I can. We sometimes miss Family Home Evening, morning prayer and reading scriptures. I have days where I get frustrated at my kids way to much. I have moments where I just go to my room and shut the door and cry because I am stressed out about finances and wish money grew on trees. Or days my kids are being super naughty and I just can’t handle it anymore! I have my days where my kids and I butt heads and I just want to give up. I have hard days, don’t we all? I do think though, that we can make progress and work on things a step at a time. I know I will never be perfect at home school, dieting, crafting, feeding my kids healthy food or even being a super mom, but I do love to blog, and who really wants to hear about the hard things going on in my life. My blog, for me, is a time to look at the positive and to work on being a better me. I hope you enjoy what you read and keep coming back, and feel free to comment or email me if you have any question, I am happy to help!
I know exactly what you mean! This has definitely been one of those butting heads weeks where I feel like a failure. But my kids think I walk on water because I let them have ice cream for breakfast.
Ditto, Sister!
I left you an award, as you are my new favorite blog to read 🙂
Thank you for this post! It is true, so true. I found myself reading blog after blog and constantly thinking I could never do it all and what a bad mom I was and why did I even bother to try at all. Hubby told me to step away from the blogs for awhile and he was right. I was able to come back and get rid of those blogs that made me feel inferior, because I know I am not! We don’t have to have a party every day to be a good mom, we just need to love our families with all our heart, because when they grow up and move out it is going to be that love they remember not the cake we made to celebrate something that doesn’t really merit the added sugar!
Love your blog!!!
Kendra, I realized the other day that I do think of you as a super mom. Whenever I read your blog I am so inspired and also overwhelmed! Without realizing it my mind often turns to you and all that you do for your kids/home/husband etc. I say, if Kendra can I can too. I think you can do it all but I’m glad to see that you feel human too and that you have your “days.”
Thanks for your posts and your inspirations. xoxo
Great post Kendra! I have had to “step away” from some of the other social media sites, just so I can take a deep breath and focus on the things that matter most to me, without the feeling of inadequacy 🙂
Great advice. I completely agree. What we see on blogs are snapshots of people’s best moments–not necessarily their everyday lives. If we read blogs with the wrong perspective, I think they can depress us and make us feel inadequate. Truth is–all of us bloggers are regular people with regular problems!
Kendra, I had to respond back to you on this one! I think that we all are moms trying to do the best we can whether we do everything like Mary Poppins or not. I’m definitely not feeling like the super mom! I work full-time outside the house, my home doesn’t get cleaned as often as I like, but I do try to spend time on my days off with my hubby and son. In the grand scheme of things, I agree with Heidi and you!
I know EXACTLY what you mean! My husband and I talk about this sometimes. Sometimes I tell so much of the “real” and struggles that I worry that I might frighten others away with such realism. Other times I focus so much on the positive that I hope they don’t think my life is perfect and get a complex reading my blog. So I wrote a post recently called “The thing About Blogs.” You may have already read it, but I’ll leave a link here in case anyone wants another angle on the subject.
Honestly though – your take on this subject is awesome. You are awesome! And I LOVE YOU and your awesome blog! 😀
Corine 😀
PS. You ARE amazing! 🙂
I know you must have stress and shortcomings, only because everyone does. But you are definitely amazing! And though you are so used to yourself that you don’t know it – I’m here to tell you YOU ARE. 🙂
Have an awesome evennig! 😀
Corine 😀