We had an wonderful day yesterday. My dad got my daughter and I tickets to see The Music Man at the Shakespeare Festival. Since my daughter is in training to be the star of a show one day….okay not really, but she did just start taking a Musical Theater Class because she loves to sing and dance, and I am pretty sure with how dramatic she is at home, she will learn to love acting! The play was amazing {I dare say…Better than the movie}, but don’t tell Robert Preston and Shirley Jones, they are still pretty great!!
The other exciting part of the show was that when we first got there we noticed everyone standing and looking in one direction. I had no clue why and the lady next to me was wondering also. I looked around and was listening to the whispering going on and overheard a lady a few rows behind say that President Monson had just walked in….REALLY! How cool is that. The theater isn’t very big so it wasn’t hard to spot him. He was about 8 rows behind us and over a little.
Well to make a long story short, during intermission my daughter said she wanted to go meet him. She walked right up to him and shook his hand, and he said “Hello young lady” he asked her about her locket she was wearing on her neck and she told him she had just been baptized and he asked her who baptized her, she said her dad and he said “Good!” He also asked her how many times she had to go under the water. He chuckled when she said 2 🙂 I was so happy for my sweet little girl to get to meet the prophet. I have only met President Kimball, but I was VERY tiny {like 2}. She walked back over to me with a HUGE smile on her face that lasted until she got home and had called her Grandma’s and family members to tell them! What a special day it was for us! {That is my Happy Thought #19!}
And in the words of President Monson…
How wonderful!!
Now how cool is that!! Wow! That would be amazing! And what courage your daughter had! So glad you shared!!
It couldn’t have happened to a sweeter little lady.
Love you!!!
that is awesome! she will remember that for a long long time. great examples you guys are!
That is so neat! Lucky girl!