Disclosure: I tested out Walmart’s Online Grocery service mentioned in this post, and received grocery shopping funds from Walmart in order to do so.
Grocery shopping is not my favorite thing to do in the world! In fact if all my groceries could be delivered to my door once a week, or if I had a garden and animals that could produce most of my groceries I would be a happy woman! Unfortunately, neither of those scenarios happen to work for me and I have to go to the grocery store at least weekly. I’m very grateful for grocery stores though, especially the Walmart and Costco that are very near my house. I am excited to tell you about Walmart Grocery if you have not heard about it. It is a huge time and money saver and I can’t wait until it comes to my area. Sadly it’s not there yet, but I am hoping that one day it will be!!Last month when I was up visiting family for Christmas vacation I was asked to try out Walmart Grocery. Thankfully the Walmart close to my mom’s house does Walmart Grocery and I was so excited to try it!. Walmart Grocery is totally free and super easy to use. I ordered the groceries the day before and picked the time to head over there and pick them up the next day. We were having a big family New Year’s Eve party and I was in charge of bringing a bunch of food. The Walmart in Orem is always very busy and to know that I could stay in my pajamas, and head to Walmart and sit in the parking lot until someone brought me my groceries sounded excellent!
Save Time & Money Using Walmart Grocery
The process is very easy and all you have to do is register for Walmart grocery with the grocery store that supports it near you. Then start shopping! I love that you can see what you are purchasing and how much you are spending. It is a great way to realize how much things cost. Say you only want to spend $100, then you can see when your bill will hit a $100, and then you can either take stuff that you don’t really need out of your cart or stop shopping!