About J. Golden Kimball: The Remarkable Man Behind the Colorful Stories-
He is J. Golden Kimball, and when he is gone, there will never be another. He was the original product, and when Providence had finished him, the pattern was lost and never found again.
LDS Church history is comprised of the accounts of multitudes of men and women who set the groundwork for the Church. And while there are plenty of ordinary individuals woven into that patchwork of history, there are also a handful of unique individuals who enliven the past and provide inspiration for the future. Known as the “swearing Apostle,” J. Golden Kimball is just such a character, one whose legacy of colorful language is surpassed only by his fierce loyalty to the gospel.
In J. Golden Kimball: The Remarkable Man Behind the Colorful Stories, readers are invited to come to better know this legendary man made famous by his unique humor and powerful testimony. From a chronicle of Kimball’s youthful adventures to the legacy he forged in his more than forty years as a General Authority, gear up for a rollicking ride through the life of one of the liveliest servants of the Lord.
My Review:
I really enjoyed this book a lot. In fact, I must tell you, I don’t read a lot of biographies because I get bored by them, but this one kept me going all the way though! The loved reading the fun stories, and the reasoning behind why J. Golden Kimball was called the “swearing Apostle”. This man had amazing faith a loyalty toward the gospel. He truly dedicated his life to it and was a powerful example, despite the fact that he had a mouth. In the book there are sections every few pages that share a little story of somthing he said or did that was funny. I read a few of them to my kids and they laughed, but also couldn’t belive it was a general authority that had said that! It’s a great reminder that NO ONE is perfect and that we are all human beings trying to better ourselves. J Golden lived an amazing life dedicated to the Lords service. He was a hard worker who went through a lot of difficulties growing up. I love the way the that Gordon wrote in this book. It is for sure the best biography I have ever read. She has a fun voice as she tells ua about the life of of J. Golden Kimball. While she shares his funny stories, she also shares stories about his personal life and hard things he went through, and she sets the tone very respectfully and transitions between the two kinds of stories very well! I highly recommend this book to all ages of readers. Teens to adults! While he was called the “swearing Apostle” the story is not filled with a bunch of swear words. It’s very tactful and fun!