Baby Safety Tips You Might Not Think About
Today I thought I would talk about some things I have learned from my own experience about baby safety. With each of my children I have had little scares or have heard of other people that have had scares when it comes to things we might not even think about. Please know that I am not a professional, but that I have learned for my own or from other experiences I have heard of. Also know that I am a good mom and so are you if you have accidentally done some of these. Accidents happen, so don’t judge!
Be Careful When Nursing Your Baby In Bed: The first thing I wanted to talk about is a little controversial because I know a lot of people that like to nurse their babies in bed…I being one of them. When it comes to nursing in bed though you need to be really careful. When I had my first child I was so disoriented and feeding her in the middle of the night was exhausting. It’s slightly vulnerable to tell my own experience, so please don’t judge, but when my daughter was just a few days old I was nursing her and she was laying between me and the edge of the bed because I didn’t want her by my husband who might roll on her. I thought we would be fine, I would just nurse her quick and put her back in her bassinet… UGH! Anyway, I fell asleep and she rolled off the edge of the bed onto the floor. Me being the new mother that I was vowed I would never nurse my babies in bed again and I didn’t for the next two children until nursing in the middle of the night just became something I stayed awake for. That event was so traumatizing to me even though she was fine. I am glad I learned to stay awake while nursing after that experience. I would definitely recommend sitting up or moving to a rocking chair if you struggle staying awake!
Babies are more affected by temperature:
I asked my husband what he would talk about when it comes to Baby safety tips and he mentioned temperature. Babies tend to colder or hotter than we do. A few years ago we were up in Salt Lake City during the winter time and decided to go visit Temple Square. I had a coat and boots on and was still cold. We bundled up our one year old with socks, shoes, a coat and a blanket, but he was freezing. We put him in my husbands coat, as we walked around. We went into buildings to get warm, but by the end of the trip he was freezing cold as we had to walk back to the train to go home. We ended up waiting a long time for the train and when we finally got on he was crying like crazy. I took his socks off him and his feet were so cold. I needed to be more prepared the weather for my children’s sake. He got way too cold way too quickly.This will also happen with heat, we have all heard very sad stories about people that accidentally leave their children in the car on a hot day and the children die. A few years ago I had to drop a Redbox movie off at a McDonalds. I was probably away from my car for about 1 min, probably less, and when I got back my baby was sweating. I had turned the car off so no one would steal my car as I walked to the box, but it was pretty hot outside. Obviously my child was fine, but after that I haven’t ever left them in hot cars unless it was on and I had my older children in there with them.
Keep Your Children Buckled in their Carseat if you Use it as a Carrier:
Lots of times I see new moms pulling their babies in and out of their carriers that are attached to the seating area in a shopping cart and not buckling them back in. This is NOT SAFE. I started putting my children inside the cart after I heard about babies that fell out of their carrier that way. About 8 years ago I had my son buckled in his carseat and my other son stood on the side of the cart and his car seat fell out. It was very slow motion and my baby was just fine but had he not been buckled in his carseat he would have flown out. Keep your babies buckled, and put your car seat carriers inside the basket instead of on top where the handle is. I also recommend wraps instead of carriers for shopping. The baby is more safer and you don’t have to lug that big carseat around!
Transfer your Babies out of Bassinets or Pack n’ Plays before they get too big:
The last tip I thought I would share is to get your children out of their Pack & Plays or bassinets before they get too big. A few years ago my husband told me about a friend whose baby stood up to the side of his Pack n’ Play and knocked it over and the pack n’ play got jammed between the door and the baby’s head and the baby died. I always hate the transfer because it means my babies are growing up, but this transfer should happen when the baby is getting a little bit bigger and are more mobile, especially if they are trying to sit up, but probably safer if they are rolling over.
These are just four safety tips that you might not think about when it comes to baby safety. Be careful, learn from others accidents and trust your instincts! Whether you are a first time mom or a seasoned mom we all do the best we know how, and we need to also be understanding about others mistakes. Help make other aware of all these safety tips by sharing them with your friends!
A big THANK YOU to Owlet for sponsoring this Baby Safety Tips Blog Hop, where 30 bloggers are sharing their best baby safety tips. Owlet cares about keeping your little ones safe. If you haven’t heard of Owlet and their amazing product it was founded in 2013 by a team of passionate parents who wanted to bring all parents around the globe a peace of mind. They developed a monitor that tracks a baby’s breathing and heart rate. Using pulse oximetry, the same technology used in hospitals, the Owlet Smart Sock is designed to send alerts to the base station and via Wi-Fi to a smartphone, if a baby stops breathing while sleeping. When my son was little he had RSV and I remember the night before he got put in the hospital how nervous I was about his breathing, having one of these would have been so nice. Learn more about the Owlet Smart Scok by visiting OwletCare.com. Also, be sure to check out Debi’s article tomorrow where she will answer Q&A about safe sleep for baby